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Downie, J. A. "'Paying for Poetry at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century, with Particular Reference to Dryden, Pope, and Defoe." Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe & His Contemporaries 6.1 (fall 2016): 1-18.
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Rounce, Adam. "The Difficulties of Quantifying Taste: Blackmore and Poetic Reception in the Eighteenth Century." Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe & His Contemporaries 6.1 (fall 2014): 19-35.
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Brunström, Conrad. "'In Prose and Business lies extinct and lost': Matthew Prior and the Poetry of Diplomacy." Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe & His Contemporaries 6.1 (fall 2016): 36-52.
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Young, Sharon. "'The Critick and the Writer of Fables': Anne Finch and Critical Debates, 1690 - 1720." Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe & His Contemporaries 6.1 (fall 2016): 53-69.
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