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Cinderella's Daughter
An introduction to her upcoming novel by Diane Samuels

The territory which fascinates me is the fine line between imagination and "real life." All my work seeks to explore the question: where do fiction and fact meet? Cinderella's Daughter is my most personal forray into this area so far. I have always been intrigued by the way people identify with ancient myths. A while back I was excited to unearth a lesser-known strand of the Cinderella story. This is my revival of this version, which is just as ancient as the one we all know with the cruel stepmother and wicked sisters. I tamper with this story shamelessly. The inspiration behind my tamperings is explored in the life story I also tell alongside the mythical narrative. My version begins one year after the death of Cinderella. Her daughter, princess Amanda, on the verge of womanhood and her bereaved father, the king, must end their period of mourning beside the dead queen's grave. Working as gravediggers nearby are the daughters of one of the Cinderella's step-sisters, Florence and Gloria Ugly. When the king is required to find a new wife, the ghosts from the past rear their heads as the challenge of the crystal slipper is once again fielded.