Dal buio alla luce

Oreggia, Eleonora. 2022. Dal buio alla luce. [Audio]

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Item Type:

Creators: Oreggia, Eleonora
Abstract or Description:

Sonic Pamphlet is a compilation of ten soundtracks created by different musicians, each one intrinsically includes the essence of the message translated into morse code:

'This work is a tribute to all those EYES unjustifiably lost during the demonstrations IN 2O19, Chile'
In this live composition the Morse code is performed as a score where dits and dahs become an alternation of light and dark. Light, a traditional medium of the Morse’s transmission, is received in the form of voltage (through solar panels) and resistance (through light sensors) by a set of Noise Bots, musical sculptures created by the artist which translate the light into sound waves. The message is then conveyed into a new dimension, one where light can be perceived without the eyes. The shift in perceptual domain (hearing vs seeing) and in substance (electromagnetic vs pressure wave) reclaims the dignity of a protest that cannot be muted or silenced - nor the lost eyes will ever be forgotten.

Official URL: https://callinglights.bandcamp.com/album/sonic-pam...
Additional Information:


Departments, Centres and Research Units: Computing
Copyright Holders: xname
Item ID: 35639
Date Deposited: 15 Mar 2024 12:42
Last Modified: 16 Jul 2024 12:42



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