Open Access at Goldsmiths
Goldsmiths Open Access LibGuide
The Open Access LibGuide, created by the Online Research Collections team at Goldsmiths, provides information on: what Open Access is, Open Access routes, copyright and licensing, Goldsmiths' institutional repositories, funder Open Access policies (including the Research Excellence Framework and Plan S), choosing a journal to publish in, publisher Open Access deals available to Goldsmiths researchers, Open Access resources, and includes a glossary.
To access the LibGuide, please click here.
Goldsmiths Statement on Open Access
Goldsmiths Statement on Open Access provides a statement on Goldsmiths’ position towards open access. It reflects the University’s unique and specialist nature and its research intensive status. Questions and comments pertaining to Goldsmiths’ position statement can be e-mailed to:
To read the Goldsmiths Statement on Open Access, please click here
Publisher Open Access Deals Available to Goldsmiths Authors
Goldsmiths is now part of transformative agreements with certain journal publishers, commonly known as Read and Publish agreements. These agreements combine Library’s journal subscriptions with Open Access publication.
1. What is a Read and Publish agreement?
Read and Publish agreements allow papers with a Goldsmiths corresponding author, published with certain publishers, to be made Gold Open Access.
The costs of publishing Open Access, through the payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC), are included as part of Goldsmiths subscription agreement with a publisher: there is no additional Open Access cost when a paper is published.
Read and Publish deals are a way for publishers to transition their subscription journals to full Open Access. The long-term aim is to shift the focus of academic publishing from the subscription model to making Open Access the default.
Our current publisher agreements are listed below, each covered in its own section.
What types of journals are covered?
“Gold Open Access” is the term used to describe Open Access publication through the payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC). These charges apply to two different types of journal: subscription journals that include a paid Open Access option (also known as hybrid journals), and fully Open Access journals (which are funded entirely by APCs). Some Read and Publish agreements cover both types of journal, but the details for each agreement vary by publisher and by journal type. Therefore, it is worth checking each publisher’s agreement below when you are considering journals by that publisher.
Who is eligible?
In order for your article submission to qualify as eligible under the agreements, you must be the responsible corresponding author and currently affiliated with Goldsmiths. In the article submission process, you must identify yourself as affiliated with Goldsmiths and give your Goldsmiths email address rather than a private email address.
The corresponding author is the author responsible for manuscript correction, correspondence during the publication process, handling of revisions and re-submission of the revised manuscript. They act on behalf of all co-authors in all matters pertaining to publication of the manuscript, and act as the point of contact for any enquiries after the paper is published.
What article licence type should I select?
Goldsmiths recommends that authors select a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) licence for all articles submitted in the agreements. Authors should email if they wish to publish with a different licence.
How do I get help and further advice?
If you would like any more information about our transformative publisher agreements, please email
2. Publishing Open Access with ACM
What is the deal?
Our agreement with ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) allows fully peer-reviewed research articles with a corresponding author from Goldsmiths to be published as Gold Open Access in ACM journals, conference proceedings and magazines without any additional cost. This deal will run until 31 December 2025.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What journals are part of the deal?
All fully peer-reviewed research articles newly published in ACM’s magazines, conference proceedings, and journals are eligible. Titles eligible for Open Access publication under the agreement are listed on the ACM website.
Who can apply?
Any corresponding author from Goldsmiths whose paper has been accepted between March 2023 and 31 December 2025 is eligible regardless of whether or not their research is grant funded.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
Identify Goldsmiths as your affiliation during submission and use your Goldsmiths email address (not your private email address) as this allows ACM to identify your paper as being eligible for the agreement.
After acceptance, complete the eRights form where you will be presented with the default CC BY licence. After confirming the CC BY licence click the ‘Proceed’ button allowing ACM to publish the work. Complete the additional information requested and add funder details if applicable. Click ‘Submit’.
3. Publishing Open Access with Bristol University Press
What is the deal?
Our agreement with Bristol University Press allows corresponding authors from Goldsmiths who submit to journals participating in the agreement to have their original peer reviewed research articles published as Gold Open Access without any additional cost. This deal will run until 31 December 2025.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What journals are part of the deal?
Titles eligible for Open Access publication under the agreement are listed on the Bristol University Press’ FAQ page.
Who can apply?
Any corresponding author from Goldsmiths is eligible regardless of whether or not their research is grant funded.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
To make use of this deal, once your paper has been accepted for publication email to claim Open Access. Please include details of your submission and the name of your institution in the email. Use your Goldsmiths email address rather than a private email address, as this enables Bristol University Press to identify you as eligible under the agreement.
Bristol University Press offer a variety of Creative Commons licence types. Goldsmiths recommends that CC BY be selected for all papers.
4. Publishing Open Access with Elsevier
There are two ways to publish Open Access with Elsevier: in Subscription Journals for free and in fully Open Access Journals via a discounted Article Processing Charge (APC) payment. Goldsmiths pays APCs for UKRI-funded research only.
4.1. Publishing Open Access in Elsevier Subscription Journals
What is the deal?
Our agreement with Elsevier allows corresponding authors from Goldsmiths who submit to journals participating in the agreement to have their papers published as Gold Open Access without any additional cost. This deal will run until 31 December 2025.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What journals are part of the deal?
See the Elsevier website for a full list of eligible journals.
Who can apply?
Any corresponding author from Goldsmiths whose paper has been accepted between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2025 is eligible regardless of whether or not their research is grant funded.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
When you submit to an Elsevier journal, use your Goldsmiths affiliation and email address as this allows Elsevier to identify your paper as eligible for the agreement.
After acceptance, you will receive an email with a link to the 'post-acceptance author journey', where you should select the ‘Publish as an open access article’ option. Elsevier offers a choice of Creative Commons licences. Goldsmiths recommends that CC BY be selected for all papers.
The Online Research Collections team in the Library will then be notified of your request and asked to confirm that the corresponding author is affiliated to Goldsmiths.
4.2. Elsevier APC discounts on fully OA journals for UKRI-funded researchers
What is the deal?
Corresponding authors from Goldsmiths who are funded by one of the UK Research Councils (UKRI) are entitled to a 15% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) when they publish in one of Elsevier's fully Gold Open Access journals. This deal will run until 31 December 2025.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all UKRI-funded authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What journals are part of the deal?
See the Elsevier website for a list of their fully Gold Open Access journals.
Who can apply?
The 15% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) in fully Open Access journals is only available to Goldsmiths authors whose research is funded by one of the UK Research Councils (UKRI). Authors should email to check their eligibility.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
When you submit to an Elsevier journal, use your Goldsmiths affiliation and email address as this allows Elsevier to identify your paper as eligible for the agreement.
Once your paper is accepted, you will be directed to the Elsevier’s rights and access pages. You need to confirm your affiliation and funding and also that of your co-authors (if applicable). Elsevier offers a choice of Creative Commons licences. You must select CC BY to ensure that your paper complies with the UKRI Open Access policy.
The 15% discount on the cost of the APC should be displayed and you will be given the option to 'Invoice an Organisation'. Before selecting this please email for further instructions.
5. Publishing Open Access with Oxford University Press
What is the deal?
Our agreement with Oxford University Press (OUP) allows corresponding authors from Goldsmiths who submit to journals participating in the agreement to have their papers published as Gold Open Access without any additional cost. This deal will run until 31 December 2025.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What journals are part of the deal?
Research and review articles in almost all OUP subscription and fully open access journals are included in the agreement. See the OUP website for a full list of eligible journals.
Who can apply?
Any corresponding author from Goldsmiths whose paper has been accepted between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2025 is eligible regardless of whether or not their research is grant funded.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
Once your article has been accepted for publication, as the corresponding author you will receive an email from the OUP production team with a link to OUP’s online licensing and payment system.
After signing in with your Oxford Academic account, you will be asked to select an open access licence and accept the licence terms. Goldsmiths recommends that CC BY be selected for all papers. [Please note, you will be asked to confirm that you will pay the Open Access charge, but you will not need to pay the charge provided that your eligibility is confirmed by the Online Research Collections team in the Library.]
Proceed to payment and select ‘UK institutions (Jisc affiliated)’ from the dropdown list of institutions beneath ‘Open Access Prepayment Account’ on the Article Charges page. Check the ‘Refer Charge?’ box next to the Open Access charge, and then click ‘Refer Charges’ at the bottom of the page.
Provide the information requested on the ‘Confirm Address’ page and complete the request. You will receive an email confirming that your request has been sent. OUP will then verify your eligibility based on the information you have provided, and you will receive an email confirming that your request has been approved or be asked to provide further information.
OUP has published detailed instructions for authors submitting to a journal participating in our agreement.
Some authors will be guided through a different workflow using a new licensing and online payment portal (SciPris). OUP has published detailed instructions on using the portal.
6. Publishing Open Access with Public Library of Science (PLOS)
What is the deal?
Goldsmiths flat fee agreement with the Public Library of Science (PLOS) enables our researchers to publish their articles as Gold Open Access in eligible PLOS journals without incurring Article Processing Charges (APCs).
The PLOS Flat Fee model shifts the cost of Open Access publishing from the payment of APCs for individual articles to an institutional flat fee. PLOS use an institution’s historic publication activity and their current publication fees to calculate an annual flat fee that covers the cost of publishing Open Access in a selection of PLOS journals.
The agreement operates from 1 April 2021 until 31 December 2025.
PLOS has published a set of FAQs for authors on their flat fee model.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What journals are part of the deal?
All publications (regardless of article type) in PLOS ONE, PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS Pathogens, PLOS Genetics, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, PLOS Digital Health, and PLOS Complex Systems are included in the agreement.
Any changes to the journals participating in our agreement will be listed on the PLOS website.
Who can apply?
Any corresponding author from Goldsmiths is eligible regardless of whether or not their research is grant funded.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
Upon submitting your manuscript to any of the eligible PLOS journals, ensure that you list Goldsmiths as your institutional affiliation and provide your Goldsmiths email address in the PLOS submission system, Editorial Manager. If your work is accepted for publication, PLOS will detect eligibility and ensure that any publication fees are waived.
PLOS has published detailed instructions for authors submitting to a journal participating in our flat fee agreement.
7. Publishing Open Access with SAGE
There are two ways to publish Open Access with SAGE: in Subscription Journals for free and in fully Open Access Journals via an Article Processing Charge (APC) payment. Goldsmiths pays APCs for UKRI-funded research only.
7.1. Publishing Open Access in SAGE Subscription Journals
What is the deal?
Goldsmiths SAGE agreement allows corresponding authors from Goldsmiths who submit to almost all of SAGE subscription (hybrid) journals to have their papers published as Gold Open Access without any additional cost. This deal will run until 31 December 2025.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What type of articles are eligible?
Original research papers, review papers, brief communications, short reports and case studies are included in the agreement. Book reviews, editorials, abstracts and news items are excluded.
What journals are part of the deal?
Almost all SAGE subscription journals are part of the deal: over 900+ subscription journals in the current SAGE Premier package, as well as the IMechE Journal Collection and the Royal Society of Medicine Collection. For more information, please click here.
A list of the eligible journals can be found here. There are a handful of SAGE Choice titles that are not part of the OA agreement and are listed here.
Who can apply?
Any corresponding author from Goldsmiths publishing in a SAGE subscription journal (as listed above) is eligible.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
The Online Research Collections team in the Library will be notified by SAGE of any potentially eligible articles/authors and asked to confirm that the corresponding author is affiliated to Goldsmiths.
SAGE will then email authors to inform them of the Open Access agreement and to invite them to the SAGE Open Access Portal to take up the offer as soon as their accepted article has been received into SAGE’s Production department
If an author does not take up the offer to publish Open Access on the SAGE Portal within 14 days of the email from SAGE, the article will be published in a traditional subscription only format, not as Open Access
Within 14 days, SAGE will email authors with a link to the SAGE portal where they will be asked to confirm that they agree to publish Open Access, and choose a Creative Commons licence (CC BY or CC BY-NC). Goldsmiths recommends that CC BY be selected for all papers.
If the corresponding author rejects Open Access publishing of the article, the article will be published in a traditional subscription only format, not as Open Access and the corresponding author will be required to provide detail on why they rejected the OA offer.
7.2. SAGE APC discounts on fully OA journals for UKRI-funded researchers
What is the deal?
Corresponding authors from Goldsmiths who are funded by one of the UK Research Councils (UKRI) are entitled to a 20% discount on the article processing charge (APC) when they publish in over 150 of SAGE’s fully Open Access journals.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all UKRI-funded authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What journals are part of the deal?
The 20% discount on the article processing charge (APC) is available on over 200 journals. The participating journal title list is available here. If a larger discount is available to the author, the single largest discount will apply. Discounts may not be combined.
Who can apply?
The 20% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) in fully Open Access journals is only available to Goldsmiths authors whose research is funded by one of the UK Research Councils (UKRI). Authors should email to check their eligibility.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
All hybrid and Open Access articles are being processed through the SAGE Open Access Portal. For more information please visit the SAGE Open Access Portal.
Articles entering production after 30 June 2020 will be sent to the SAGE Open Access Portal where the discount will be applied automatically. All eligible papers by Goldsmiths authors will be identified and the 20% discount will automatically be applied before the author is contacted. This means that the Online Research Collections team in the Library will be able to pre-approve or reject Article Processing Charge (APC) payments, so that when the author is contacted to arrange a license they are already informed if Goldsmiths will pay for the APC.
To access the SAGE Open Access Portal, please click here.
8. Publishing Open Access with Springer
There are two ways to publish Open Access with Springer: in Subscription Journals for free and in fully Open Access Journals via a discounted Article Processing Charge (APC) payment. Goldsmiths pays APCs for UKRI-funded research only.
8.1. Publishing Open Access in Springer Subscription Journals
What is the deal?
Goldsmiths agreement with Springer allows corresponding authors from Goldsmiths who submit to journals participating in the agreement to have their papers published as Open Access by default without any additional cost.
From June 2023 until 31 December 2025, corresponding authors from Goldsmiths who submit to Springer journals participating in the agreement will have their papers published as Open Access by default, typically with a CC BY creative commons licence.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What journals are part of the deal?
The agreement covers more than 2,000 journals across the Springer portfolio, including Springer and Palgrave journals, along with journals in the Nature Portfolio. See the Springer website for a full list of eligible journals.
What type of articles are eligible?
The eligible article types are: original paper, review paper, brief communication, continuing education. When publishing in a Nature Portfolio journal, original paper is the only applicable article type.
Who can apply?
Any corresponding author from Goldsmiths is eligible regardless of whether or not their research is grant funded.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
When you submit your article, you need to select Goldsmiths as your institutional affiliation and give your Goldsmiths email address rather than a private email address, as this enables Springer to identify you as eligible under the agreement. Springer also recommend that you complete your article submission form while within your institution’s network.
Once your article is accepted, Springer will send you an email invitation to complete the publication process. You will be prompted to confirm Goldsmiths as your institutional affiliation and input your Goldsmiths email address. You will then be presented with confirmation that your article is eligible for open access publishing under the agreement and be asked to select a Creative Commons licence (Goldsmiths recommends that CC BY be selected for all papers).
8.2. Springer APC discounts on fully OA journals for UKRI-funded researchers
What is the deal?
Corresponding authors from Goldsmiths who are funded by one of the UK Research Councils (UKRI) are entitled to a 15% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) when they publish in one of Springer's fully Gold Open Access journals. This deal will run until 31 December 2025.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all UKRI-funded authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What journals are part of the deal?
The agreement covers publications in fully Open Access journals across the Springer Nature portfolio (BMC, SpringerOpen, Palgrave and Nature Portfolio). See the Springer website for a full list of eligible journals.
Who can apply?
The 15% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) in fully Open Access journals is only available to Goldsmiths authors whose research is funded by one of the UK Research Councils (UKRI). Authors should email to check their eligibility.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
When you submit your article, you need to select Goldsmiths as your institutional affiliation and give your Goldsmiths email address rather than a private email address, as this enables Springer to identify you as eligible under the agreement. Springer also recommend that you complete your article submission form while within your institution’s network.
Once your article is accepted, Springer will send you an email invitation to complete the publication process. You will be prompted to confirm Goldsmiths as your institutional affiliation and input your Goldsmiths email address. You will then be presented with confirmation that your article is eligible for open access publishing under the agreement and offer a 15% discount on the standard APC. Open access will be provided once billing details are confirmed by Goldsmiths.
9. Publishing Open Access with Taylor and Francis
What is the deal?
Goldsmiths agreement with Taylor and Francis allows corresponding authors from Goldsmiths who submit to journals participating in the agreement to have their papers published as Gold Open Access without any additional cost.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What journals are part of the deal?
Over 2,300 journals in the Taylor and Francis Open Select package are part of the deal.
What type of articles are eligible?
The eligible article types are: article, review, research article, review article, report, short communication, case report, note, original article, guest editorial. Other types of paper, such as editorials, announcements, and book reviews, are not covered by this agreement.
Who can apply?
Any corresponding author from Goldsmiths whose paper has been accepted from 1 January 2021 is eligible regardless of whether or not their research is grant funded.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
The standard workflow is that the Online Research Collections team in the Library will be notified by Taylor and Francis of any potentially eligible articles and asked to confirm that the corresponding author is affiliated to Goldsmiths.
Shortly after approval, Taylor and Francis will email the corresponding author inviting them to sign the Author Publishing Agreement and choose a Creative Commons licence (CC BY or CC BY-NC-ND). Goldsmiths recommends that CC BY be selected for all papers.
Some articles deviate from the standard workflow. For these articles, authors sign their publishing agreement before the Library approves the article. If you are invited to sign a publishing agreement and given the option to publish your article Open Access, agree to make you article Open Access and select a Creative Commons licence (Goldsmiths recommends that CC BY be selected for all papers).
10. Publishing Open Access with Wiley
What is the deal?
Our agreement with Wiley allows Goldsmiths corresponding authors to publish articles Gold Open Access under a Creative Commons licence. It covers research and review papers in most of Wiley's subscription (hybrid) and fully Open Access journals but excludes other article types such as letters and editorials.
The current agreement runs until 31 December 2025.
Goldsmiths strongly encourages all authors to take advantage of this agreement. If you would like any more information about the agreement, please email
What journals are part of the deal?
Corresponding authors can publish Open Access in any of Wiley’s fully gold Open Access journals, or any of their subscription (hybrid) journals which offer their ‘OnlineOpen’ option. Wiley's online guide includes lists of the journals covered.
Who can apply?
Any corresponding author from Goldsmiths is eligible regardless of whether or not their research is grant funded.
If I qualify, how do I proceed?
If you are publishing in a subscription (hybrid) journal, after acceptance log in to Wiley Author Services, click "Select OnlineOpen", choose Goldsmiths as your affiliation, and provide details of any relevant funding. Then confirm that you would like to make your article OnlineOpen. The Online Research Collections team in the Library will then be notified of your request and asked to confirm that the corresponding author is affiliated to Goldsmiths.
Authors can choose a Creative Commons licence. Goldsmiths recommends that CC BY be selected for all papers.
If OnlineOpen is not initially selected, it cannot be requested retrospectively under the agreement once the article is published in Early View.
If you are publishing in a fully Open Access journal, select Goldsmiths as your institution when you submit and the deal will be applied after the Online Research Collections team in the Library confirm your affiliation.
Further information on using the Wiley Author Services portal is available here.