Items Authored/Edited by Barclay, Nicola L.

Number of items: 26.
Denis, Dan; Akhtar, Reece; Holding, Ben; Murray, C; Panatti, J; Claridge, Gordon; Sadeh, Avi; Barclay, Nicola L.; O'Leary, R; Maughan, Barbara; McAdams, Tom A.; Rowe, Richard; Eley, Thalia C.; Viding, Essi and Gregory, Alice M..
Externalizing Behaviors and Callous-Unemotional Traits: Different Associations With Sleep Quality.
Sleep, 40(8),
ISSN 0161-8105
Gregory, Alice M.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V.; Eley, Thalia C.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Schneider, Melanie N.; Parsons, Michael J. and Barclay, Nicola L..
A longitudinal twin and sibling study of associations between insomnia and depression symptoms in young adults.
Sleep, 39(11),
pp. 1985-1992.
ISSN 0161-8105
Barclay, Nicola L.; Rowe, Richard; O'Leary, R; Bream, D.E. and Gregory, Alice M..
Longitudinal stability of genetic and environmental influences on the association between diurnal preference and sleep quality in young adult twins and siblings.
Journal of Biological Rhythms, 31(4),
pp. 375-386.
ISSN 0748-7304
Barclay, Nicola L.; Gehrman, P.R.; Gregory, Alice M.; Eaves, L.J and Silberg, J.L..
The heritability of insomnia from childhood to adolescence: results from a longitudinal twin study.
Sleep, 38(1),
pp. 109-118.
ISSN 0161-8105
Parsons, Michael J.; Lester, Kathryn J.; Barclay, Nicola L.; Archer, Simon N.; Nolan, Patrick M.; Eley, Thalia C. and Gregory, Alice M..
Polymorphisms in the circadian expressed genes PER3 and ARNTL2 are associated with diurnal preference and GNB3 with sleep measures.
Journal of Sleep Research, 23(5),
pp. 595-604.
ISSN 0962-1105
Barclay, Nicola L. and Gregory, Alice M..
Sleep in Childhood and Adolescence: Age-Specific Sleep Characteristics, Common Sleep Disturbances and Associated Difficulties.
Current topics in behavioral neurosciences, 16,
pp. 337-365.
ISSN 1866-3370
Barclay, Nicola L. and Gregory, Alice M..
Quantitative genetic research on sleep: A review of normal sleep, sleep disturbances and associated emotional, behavioural, and health-related difficulties.
Sleep Medicine Reviews, 17(1),
pp. 29-40.
ISSN 10870792
Zavos, Helena M. S.; Wong, Chloe; Barclay, Nicola L.; Keers, Robert; Mill, Jonathan; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V.; Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
Anxiety sensitivity in adolescence and young adulthood: the role of stressful life events, 5HTTLPR and their interaction.
Depression and Anxiety,
pp. 400-408.
ISSN 1091-4269
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Maughan, Barbara and Gregory, Alice M..
Nonshared environmental influences on sleep quality: A study of monozygotic twin differences.
Behavior Genetics, 42,
pp. 234-244.
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Maughan, Barbara; Rowe, Richard and Gregory, Alice M..
Associations between diurnal preference, sleep quality and externalising behaviours: A behavioural genetic analysis.
Psychological Medicine, 41,
pp. 1029-1040.
Gregory, Alice M.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Willis, Thomas A.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V.; Maughan, Barbara; Rowe, Richard; Cartwright, Sally; Barclay, Nicola L. and Eley, Thalia C..
Associations between sleep quality and anxiety and depression symptoms in a sample of young adult twins and siblings.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 71,
pp. 250-255.
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V. and Gregory, Alice M..
Dependent negative life events and sleep quality: An examination of gene-environment interplay.
Sleep Medicine, 12,
pp. 403-409.
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Mill, Jonathan; Wong, Chloe C. Y.; Zavos, Helena M. S.; Archer, Simon N. and Gregory, Alice M..
Sleep quality and diurnal preference in a sample of young adults: Associations with 5HTTLPR, PER3 and CLOCK 3111.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 156(6),
pp. 681-690.
ISSN 1552-4841
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Archer, Simon N. and Gregory, Alice M..
Diurnal preference and sleep quality: same genes? A study of Young Adult twins.
Chronobiology International, 27,
pp. 278-296.
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V. and Gregory, Alice M..
Genetic and environmental influences on different components of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and their overlap.
Sleep, 33,
pp. 659-668.
Barclay, Nicola L. and Gregory, Alice M..
The presence of a perseverative iterative style in poor vs. good sleepers.
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 41(1),
pp. 18-23.
ISSN 00057916
Book Section
Gregory, Alice M.; Parsons, Michael J.; Barclay, Nicola L.; Gehrman, P.R. and O'Leary, R.E..
Genetic Research on Sleep, Sleep Disturbances
and Associated Difficulties.
In: S.B. Malykh; Y.V. Kovas and D.A. Gaysina, eds.
Behavioural Genomics: Child Development and Education.
Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State University, pp. 276-299.
[Book Section]
Barclay, Nicola L..
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sleep Quality: Quantitative and Molecular Genetic Approaches to an Understanding of Individual Differences.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London