Items Authored/Edited by De Nicola, Bruno

Number of items: 28.
De Nicola, Bruno.
Фустат ал-‘адала: уникальная рукопись о религиозном ландшафте средневековой Анатолии.
Orientalistica, 4(1),
pp. 121-147.
ISSN 2618-7043
De Nicola, Bruno.
Manuscripts and Digital Technologies: A Renewed Research Direction in the History of Ilkhanid Iran.
Iran Namag, 5(1),
pp. 20-37.
De Nicola, Bruno.
A Digital Database of Islamic Manuscripts for the Study of the Medieval Anatolia.
Kodex. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Buchwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 8,
pp. 23-38.
De Nicola, Bruno.
Letters from Mongol Anatolia: Professional, Political and Intellectual Connections among Members of a Persianised Elite.
Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, 56(1),
pp. 77-90.
ISSN 0578-6967
De Nicola, Bruno.
Women in Mongol Iran: The Khatuns, 1206-1335.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
ISBN 9781474415477
Book Section
De Nicola, Bruno.
Pādshāh Khatun: An Example of Architectural, Religious, and Literary Patronage in Ilkhanid Iran.
In: Michal Biran; Jonathan Brack and Francesca Fiaschetti, eds.
Along the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia: Generals, Merchants, and Intellectuals.
Oakland, California: University of California Press, pp. 270-289.
ISBN 9780520298743
[Book Section]
De Nicola, Bruno.
On the outskirts of the Ilkhanate: the Mongols’ relationship with the province of Kastamonu in the second half of the 13th century.
In: , ed.
Cultural Encounters in Anatolia in the Medieval Period: The Ilkhanids in Anatolia.
Ankara: VEKAM, pp. 117-135.
ISBN 978-605-9388-23-8
[Book Section]
Edited Book