Items Authored/Edited by Doyle, Peter

Number of items: 7.
Doyle, Peter.
The Victorian Geological Illustrations of Crystal Palace Park, London: cycles of conservation and neglect, 1993–2023.
Geology Today, 40(2),
pp. 52-57.
ISSN 0266-6979
Wisniewski, K.D.; Pringle, J.K.; Doyle, Peter; Barton, N; Stimpson, I.G. and Hobson, L..
Multi-disciplinary site investigations of WW2 Allied aerial bombing decoy sites around North Staffordshire, UK.
Journal of Conflict Archaeology,
ISSN 1574-0773
(In Press)
Doyle, Peter.
Presents from a princess: the mission to deliver 2.6 million Christmas gifts to soldiers and sailors on the 1914 frontline.
The Conversation,
Doyle, Peter.
The Christmas truce football match – a picture of a Greek kickabout is misappropriated yearly.
The Conversation,
Doyle, Peter.
'For Every Sailor Afloat, Every Soldier at the Front': Princess Mary’s Christmas Gift, 1914.
London: Unicorn Press.
ISBN 9781913491536
Book Section
Doyle, Peter.
‘Kitchener’s Mob’: Myth and Reality in Raising the New Army, 1914-15.
In: Kevin Linch and Matthew Lord, eds.
Redcoats to Tommies: The Experience of the British Soldier from the Eighteenth Century.
Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, pp. 58-81.
ISBN 9781783276028
[Book Section]
Exhibition Catalogue
Doyle, Peter.
The Princess Mary's Christmas Gift, 1914: 110 years on. Exhibition Catalogue.
[Exhibition Catalogue]