Items Authored/Edited by Farris, Sara R.

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Number of items: 37.


Farris, Sara R.; Horton, Amy and Lloyd, Eva. 2024. Corporatisation and financialisation of social reproduction: Care homes and childcare in the United Kingdom. Environment and Planning F, ISSN 2634-9825 [Article] (In Press)

Farris, Sara R.. 2024. The glass ceiling in the house of power. Prometeo, 42(165), pp. 28-29. ISSN 0394-1639 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2022. Weber: Religion, Nation and Empire. Journal of Classical Sociology, 22(4), pp. 410-415. ISSN 1468-795X [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2022. Low-skill no more! essential workers, social reproduction and the legitimacy-crisis of the division of labour. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 23(2-3), pp. 342-358. ISSN 2159-9149 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.; Yuval-Davis, Nira and Rottenberg, Catherine. 2021. The Frontline as Performative Frame: An Analysis of the UK COVID Crisis. State Crime Journal, 10(2), pp. 284-303. ISSN 2046-6056 [Article]

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Farris, Sara R.. 2020. The business of care: Private placement agencies and female migrant workers in London. Gender, Work & Organization, 27(6), pp. 1450-1467. ISSN 0968-6673 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2017. Introduction: Righting Feminism. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics, 91(3), pp. 5-15. ISSN 0950-2378 [Article]

Farris, Sara R. and Marchetti, Sabrina. 2017. From the Commodification to the Corporatization of Care: European Perspectives and Debates. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 24(2), pp. 109-131. ISSN 1072-4745 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2016. The Cold War of Women and Islam. Syndicate Theology, [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2016. Introduction to "Special Issue on Social Reproduction Feminism". Historical Materialism, 24(2), pp. 25-37. ISSN 1465-4466 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2015. Féministes de tous les pays, qui lave vos chaussettes? Comment s'en sortir?, 01(01), pp. 203-235. [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2014. From the Jewish Question to the Muslim Question. Republican Rigorism, Culturalist Differentialism and Antinomiesof Enforced Emancipation. Constellations. An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 21(2), pp. 296-307. ISSN 1351-0487 [Article]

Farris, Sara R. and de Jong, Sara. 2013. Discontinuous Intersections: Second-generation Immigrant Girls in Transition from School to Work. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(9), pp. 1505-1525. ISSN 0141-9870 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2013. Neoliberalism, Migrant Women and the Commodification of Care. The Scholar & Feminist Online, 11(1&2), ISSN 1558-9404 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2012. Religion as the Source of the Self. Max Weber’s Hypothesis. Social Compass, 59(1), pp. 34-51. ISSN 0037-7686 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2012. Femonationalism and the 'Regular' Army of Labor called Migrant Women. History of the Present, 2(2), pp. 184-199. ISSN 2159-9785 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2011. Die politische Ökonomie des Femonationalismus. Feministische Studien, 2, pp. 321-334. ISSN 0723-5186 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2011. Workerism’s Inimical Incursions: On Mario Tronti’s Weberianism. Historical Materialism, 19(3), pp. 29-62. ISSN 1465-4466 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2010. An 'Ideal Type' Called Orientalism: Selective Affinities between Edward Said and Max Weber. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 12(2), pp. 265-284. ISSN 1369-801X [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2010. Interregional Migration and the Challenge for Gender and Development. Development. Society for International Development Journal, 53(1), pp. 98-104. ISSN 1011-6370 [Article]


Farris, Sara R.. 2017. In the Name of Women's Rights: The Rise of Femonationalism. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. ISBN 9780822369608 [Book]

Book Section

Farris, Sara R.. 2024. Femonacionalismo. In: Corrochano Carlos, ed. Claves de politica global. Barcelona: Arpa, pp. 120-146. ISBN 9788419558893 [Book Section]

Farris, Sara R.. 2024. La política del cuidado y la teoría de la reproducción social. In: Daniela Alegría and Lieta Vivaldi, eds. Reflexiones feministas sobre los cuidados. Santiago: LOM Ediciones, pp. 59-68. ISBN 9789560018113 [Book Section]

Mozzachiodi, Roberto. 2022. The End of Philosophy. In: Beverley Skeggs; Sara R. Farris; Alberto Toscano and Svenja Bromberg, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Marxism. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 920-939. ISBN 9781473974234 [Book Section]

Farris, Sara R.. 2021. Gender. In: Beverley Skeggs; Sara R. Farris; Alberto Toscano and Svenja Bromberg, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Marxism. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 268-295. ISBN 9781473974234 [Book Section]

Ferguson, Sue; Bhattacharya, Tithi and Farris, Sara R.. 2021. Social Reproduction Feminisms. In: Bev Skeggs; Sara R. Farris; Alberto Toscano and Svenja Bromberg, eds. The Sage Handbook of Marxism. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 45-67. ISBN 9781473974234 [Book Section]

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Farris, Sara R.. 2019. Social reproduction and racialized surplus populations. In: Peter Osborne; Éric Alliez and Eric-John Russell, eds. Capitalism: Concept, Idea, Image – Aspects of Marx's Capital Today. Kingston upon Thames: CRMEP Books, pp. 121-134. ISBN 9781999333706 [Book Section]

Farris, Sara R. and Scrinzi, Francesca. 2018. “'Subaltern Victims’ or ‘Useful Resources”? Migrant Women in the Lega Nord Ideology and Politics". In: Jon Mulholland; Nicola Montagna and Erin Sanders-McDonagh, eds. Gendering Nationalism: Intersections of Nation, Gender and Sexuality in the 21st Century. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 241-257. ISBN 9783319766997 [Book Section]

Webber, Jeffery R.. 2016. ‘The Last Day of Oppression, and the First Day of the Same’: Popular Forces Regroup against Rafael Correa in Ecuador. In: Sara R. Farris, ed. Returns of Marxism: Marxist Theory in a Time of Crisis. Chicago: Haymarket Books. ISBN 9781608465743 [Book Section]

Farris, Sara R.. 2015. Femonationalismus und Staatsfeminismus. In: , ed. Geschlecht in Gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen. Berlin & Toronti: Barbara Budrich, pp. 75-89. ISBN 3847406191 [Book Section]

Farris, Sara R.. 2013. Althusser and Tronti: the Primacy of Politics versus the Autonomy of the Political. In: Katja Diefenbach; Sara R. Farris; Gal Kirn and Peter Thomas, eds. Encountering Althusser. Politics and Materialism in Contemporary Radical Thought,. New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 185-203. ISBN 9781441152138 [Book Section]

Edited Book

Skeggs, Beverley; Farris, Sara R.; Toscano, Alberto and Bromberg, Svenja, eds. 2021. The SAGE Handbook of Marxism. London: SAGE Publications. ISBN 9781473974234 [Edited Book]

Farris, Sara R., ed. 2016. Returns of Marxism. Marxist Theory in a Time of Crisis (edited by Sara R. Farris). Chicago: Haymarket Books. ISBN 9781608465743 [Edited Book]

Diefenbach, Katja; Farris, Sara R.; Kirn, Gal and Thomas, Peter D., eds. 2013. Encountering Althusser. Politics and Materialism in Contemporary Radical Thought. New York: Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781441152138 [Edited Book]

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