Franchini, Livia.
'The Dragoon Affair'.
In: Kirsten Irving and Jon Stone, eds.
Ten Poets Get to the Bottom of Some Grisly Crimes.
London: Sidekick Books, pp. 22-29.
ISBN 9781909560352
[Book Section]
Franchini, Livia.
'Bullies of America'.
In: Lizzie Huxley-Jones, ed.
On Bodies: An Anthology.
London: 3 of Cups Press, pp. 135-148.
ISBN 9781999877637
[Book Section]
Franchini, Livia.
'Cari cari' and 'On Complicity'.
In: Ágnes Lehóczky and J. T. Welsch, eds.
Wretched Strangers: Borders Movement Homes.
Norwich: Boiler House Press, pp. 100-101.
ISBN 9781911343387
[Book Section]
Franchini, Livia.
'Bark' [Poem].
In: Sarah Shin and Rebecca Tamás, eds.
Spells: 21st-Century Occult Poetry.
London: Ignota Books, pp. 26-27.
ISBN 9781999675905
[Book Section]