Items Authored/Edited by Garland, Ruth

Number of items: 15.
Garland, Ruth.
No escape from the No.10. bunker? UK government news management under siege: John Major (1990-97) and Boris Johnson (2019-2022).
Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 29(1),
pp. 24-37.
ISSN 1356-3289
Garland, Ruth.
The unseen power of creative news management in government: The marginalisation of UK Government press officers between 1997 and 2015.
Journal of Communication Management, 22(4),
pp. 416-431.
ISSN 1363-254X
Garland, Ruth.
Is post-truth another word for political spin or a radical departure from it? Evidence from behind the scenes in UK government communications: 1997–2015.
International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 14(3),
pp. 333-350.
ISSN 1740-8296
Garland, Ruth; Tambini, Damian and Couldry, Nick.
Has government been mediatized? A UK perspective.
Media, Culture & Society, 40(4),
pp. 496-513.
ISSN 0163-4437
Garland, Ruth.
Between mediatisation and politicisation: The changing role and position of Whitehall press officers in the age of political spin.
Public Relations Inquiry, 6(2),
pp. 171-189.
ISSN 2046-147X
Garland, Ruth.
Government Communications and the Crisis of Trust: From Political Spin to Post-truth.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783030775759
Book Section
Garland, Ruth.
Politics, government and the media: A site of struggle between opposing conceptions of public communication.
In: Anastasios Theofilou and Martina Topic, eds.
Histories of Political Public Relations: From Propaganda to Public Health.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 95-106.
ISBN 9781032500911
[Book Section]
Garland, Ruth.
In: A Nai; M Gromping and D Wirz, eds.
Encyclopedia of Political Communication.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
[Book Section]
Garland, Ruth.
The Social Media Feeds of Loose Women: Taking the Temperature of Popular Feminism.
In: Barbara Mitra; Sharon Young and Mehreen Mirza, eds.
Gender in the Digital Sphere: Representation, Engagement and Expression.
Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
ISBN 9781538155684
[Book Section]
Garland, Ruth.
How the UK government 'turned on a sixpence' to change its story: A discourse analysis of the No.10 daily news conferences.
In: Stuart Price and Ben Harbisher, eds.
Power, Media and the Covid-19 Pandemic Framing Public Discourse.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 206-219.
ISBN 9780367706302
[Book Section]
Garland, Ruth and Lilleker, Darren.
From Consensus to Dissensus: The UK's Management of a Pandemic in a Divided Nation.
In: Peter Van Aelst and Jay G. Blumler, eds.
Political Communication in the Time of Coronavirus.
New York: Routledge, pp. 17-32.
ISBN 9780367771577
[Book Section]
Garland, Ruth and Lilleker, Darren.
The UK: From Consensus to Confusion.
In: Darren Lilleker; Iona A. Coman; Milos Gregor and Edoardo Novelli, eds.
Political Communication and COVID-19: Governance and Rhetoric in Times of Crisis.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 165-176.
ISBN 9780367636838
[Book Section]
Garland, Ruth.
Anticipating the age of political spin: an historical analysis of 1980s government communications.
In: Ian Somerville; Lee Edwards and Øyvind Ihlen, eds.
Public Relations, Society and the Generative Power of History.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 159-172.
ISBN 9781138317109
[Book Section]
Garland, Ruth.
The dynamics of resistance and response to mediatization in government: perceptions of Whitehall press officers caught in the 'cross-field' since 1997.
In: Olivier Driessens; Göran Bolin; Andreas Hepp and Stig Hjarvard, eds.
The Dynamics of Mediatization: Institutional Change and Everyday Transformations in a Digital Age.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 155-175.
ISBN 9783319629827
[Book Section]
Professional Activity
Garland, Ruth.
Written evidence submitted by the Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London
Written evidence submitted to the House of Commons Select Committee on Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs in response to call for evidence for the Inquiry into Civil Service Leadership and Reform.
[Professional Activity]