Items Authored/Edited by Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios

Number of items: 29.
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
What has the European Convention on Human Rights ever done for the UK?
European Human Rights Law Review, 2019(1),
pp. 1-10.
ISSN 1361-1526
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
Fair Trial Rights in the UK Post Brexit.
New Journal of European Criminal Law, 7(4),
pp. 387-396.
ISSN 2032-2844
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
Strasbourg Jurisprudence, Law Reform and Comparative Law: A Tale of the Right to Custodial Legal Assistance in Five Countries.
Human Rights Law Review, 16(1),
pp. 103-129.
ISSN 1461-7781
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
A Review of Renaud Colson’s and Stewart Field’s ‘The Transformation of Criminal Justice: Comparing France with England and Wales’.
Criminal Law Review, 2013(10),
pp. 863-867.
ISSN 0011-135X
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
Suspects' rights in custodial interrogation in France: Lessons for Greece.
Poiniki Dikeosini, 16(4),
pp. 339-350.
ISSN 1108-2755
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
La theorie et la pratique de la garde a vue en grece (et leur signification pour la garde a vue du droit français)
[The theory and practice of custodial interrogation in Greece (and their significance for French law on custodial interrogation)].
Archives de Politique Criminelle, 34,
pp. 287-301.
ISSN 0242-5637
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
The notification of the right to silence to police suspects in Greece and the need to harmonise Greek legislation with international and comparative law.
Poiniki Dikeosini, 15(7),
pp. 640-649.
ISSN 1108-2755
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
La vidéosurveillance au Royaume-Uni: la caméra omniprésente, signe d’une évolution vers une « société de surveillance »? (CCTV in Great Britain: the omnipresent CCTV camera, sign of an evolution towards a “surveillance society”?).
Archives de Politique Criminelle, 32,
pp. 245-267.
ISSN 0242-5637
Book Section
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
"Good" and "Poor" Lawyering in Continental Law: the Criminal Defence Lawyer in Greece as a Case Study.
In: Ashlee Beazley and Michele Panzavolta, eds.
Poor Lawyering: A Comparative View.
Abingdon: Routledge.
[Book Section]
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
"Falling on Deaf Ears": Looking for the Salduz Jurisprudence in Greece.
In: John D Jackson and Sarah J Summers, eds.
Obstacles to Fairness in Criminal Proceedings: Individual Rights and Institutional Forms.
Hart Publishing.
ISBN 9781782258360
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
'Criminal Justice without Human Rights? Remembering the Past, and Predicting the Future, of Police Interrogation and the Law of Improperly Obtained Evidence'.
In: Howard League for Penal Reform International Conference on 'What is Justice? Re-imagining Penal Policy', Keble College, Oxford, 1-2 Oct 2013. Oxford, United Kingdom 1-2 October 2013.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
'The new landscape of suspects’ rights in Europe: Moving backwards in England and Wales?'.
In: Society of Legal Scholars conference. Edinburgh Law School, United Kingdom 3-6 September 2013.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
'Suspects’ rights in custodial interrogation in Greece and France: Isolationism, legal cosmopolitanism and local resistance'.
In: Globalisation, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice conference. London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
'Criminal justice in France after September 11: Has the balance between liberty and security been disturbed?'.
In: Ninth Biennial International Conference on “Societies in Transition: Balancing Security, Social Justice and Tradition”, 2-5 June 2010, Marrakesh, Morocco, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2-5 June, 2010. Marrakesh, Morocco 2-5 June 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Edited Book
Dzehtsiarou, Kanstantsin; Falcetta, Silvia; Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios and Johnson, Paul.
Human Rights Law in Action: Assessing the Positive Impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 in the UK.
Project Report.
Human Rights in Action (HRiA).