Items Authored/Edited by Klontzas, Michael

Number of items: 20.
Given, Jock; Iosifidis, Petros and Klontzas, Michael.
Editorial: COVID-19 and Digital Media Policy (Special Issue).
Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 12(1),
pp. 3-9.
ISSN 2040-4182
Klontzas, Michael and Sourbati, Maria.
Special Issue: Interfacing public communications in the digital economy.
Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 10(3),
pp. 249-253.
ISSN 2040-4182
Klontzas, Michael.
Editorial: Public service objectives: Contestability and renegotiation.
International Journal of Digital Television, 6(2),
pp. 97-101.
ISSN 2040-4182
Klontzas, Michael.
Book Review: The Economics of Television in a Digital World: What Economics Tells Us for Future Policy Debates, Patrick Barwise and Robert G. Picard, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Oxford University.
International Journal of Digital Television, 4(3),
pp. 357-364.
ISSN 2040-4182
Klontzas, Michael.
The BBC and digital policy instrumentation in the UK: Straitjackets and conveyor belts.
International Journal of Digital Televison, 4(1),
pp. 49-65.
ISSN 2040-4182
Klontzas, Michael.
iVision and the BBC: Building Public Value.
Observatorio OBS, 2(2),
pp. 41-55.
ISSN 1646-5954
Klontzas, Michael.
Stephen Lax, Beyond the Horizon ? Communications Technologies: Past, Present and Future (Luton: John Libbey Media, 1998) ISBN 1860205143 [Book Review].
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 4(3),
pp. 106-109.
ISSN 1354-8565
Book Section
Douglas, Omega.
The Black British Press.
In: Des (D. J.) Freedman and Michael Klontzas, eds.
Media Pasts and Futures: Critical Reflections on Power Without Responsibility.
London: University of Westminster Press, pp. 151-156.
ISBN 9781915445643
[Book Section]
Fenton, Natalie.
A Manifesto for a People's Media: A Response to Power Without Responsibility.
In: Des (D. J.) Freedman and Michael Klontzas, eds.
Media Pasts and Futures: Critical Reflections on Power Without Responsibility.
London: University of Westminster Press, pp. 96-100.
ISBN 9781915445643
[Book Section]
Klontzas, Michael.
Digitalisation and the BBC: the net effect.
In: Nikos Leandros, ed.
The Impact of Internet on the Mass Media in Europe: COST A20 International Conference, Delphi (Greece), 26-29 April, 2006.
Bury St Edmunds: Abramis.
ISBN 9781845491451
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item