Items Authored/Edited by Kramer, Andreas

Number of items: 56.
Kramer, Andreas.
Sport in Expressionist Art.
International Journal of the History of Sport, 35(17-18),
pp. 1692-1709.
ISSN 0952-3367
Kramer, Andreas.
Liebes Leben. Formen des erotischen Vitalismus in Georg Heyms nachgelassener Kurzprosa.
Literatur für Leser, 41(3),
pp. 189-198.
ISSN 2364-7183
Kramer, Andreas.
Goethe and the Cultural Project of German Modernism: Steiner, Kandinsky, Friedlaender, Schwitters and Benjamin.
Publications of the English Goethe Society, 71,
pp. 18-36.
ISSN 09593683
Kramer, Andreas.
Sport und literarischer Expressionismus.
Göttingen: V&R unipress GmbH.
ISBN 9783847109396
Creighton, Nicola and Kramer, Andreas, eds.
Carl Einstein und die europäische Avantgarde / Carl Einstein and the European Avant-Garde.
Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter.
ISBN 9783110291155
Book Section
Kramer, Andreas.
Citoyen du rêve: traces du romantisme chez Yvan Goll (translator Georges Bloess).
In: Georges Bloess and Nicole Gabriel, eds.
Les surréalistes français et l‘Allemagne: visions croisées, emprise et dialogue critique.
Paris: Éditions Mélusine, pp. 97-116.
[Book Section]
Blinder, Caroline.
‘No Ideas but in Seeing’: Jim Jarmusch’s Paterson (2016).
In: Andreas Kramer and Jan Röhnert, eds.
Poetry and Film: Lyrik und Film. Abbas Kiarostami and Jim Jarmusch.
Frankfurt am Main: Edition Faust, pp. 187-199.
ISBN 9783945400760
[Book Section]
Kramer, Andreas.
Eine pazifistische Internationale: Rene Schickele und Die Weißen Blätter.
In: , ed.
Pacifist and Anti-Militarist Writing in German, 1889-1928: From Bertha von Suttner to Erich Maria Remarque.
Munich: Iudicium, pp. 241-253.
ISBN 9783862056224
[Book Section]
Kramer, Andreas.
Speaking Dada: The Politics of Language.
In: Elza Adamowicz and Eric Robertson, eds.
Dada and Beyond. Volume 1: Dada Discourses.
Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi, pp. 201-213.
ISBN 0789042033559
[Book Section]
Kramer, Andreas.
The Traffic of Gender in Expressionist Prose Writing.
In: Frank Krause, ed.
Expressionism and Gender / Expressionismus und Geschlecht.
Göttingen: V & R unipress, pp. 45-60.
ISBN 9783899717174
[Book Section]
Edited Book