Items Authored/Edited by Lowe, Brighid

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Number of items: 3.
Book Section
Seymour, Benedict.
Art and the Utopia of (Non-)Reproduction.
In: John Chilver and Brighid Lowe, eds.
Manual: Parts and Labour.
Osan: Gwak Sang-wook, Osan Culture Foundation, pp. 22-23.
ISBN 978-89-968948-2-8
[Book Section]
Chilver, John; Lowe, Brighid and Mok, Honggyun.
Parts and Labour (Osan).
In: "Parts and Labour (Osan)", Osan Museum of Art, Korea, Republic of, November - December 2014.
Chilver, John; Lowe, Brighid; Capaldi, Leah; Chaimowicz, Marc Camille; Jeffery, Charlie; Jones, Gareth; Pedraglio, Francesco; Piper, Adrian; Schmuecker, Martina; Slotawa, Florian; Staton, Sarah and Wentworth, Richard.
Parts and Labour (3 Hours Minimum Wage).
In: "Parts and Labour (3 Hours Minimum Wage)", Camberwell Space, London, United Kingdom, 1/5/2012-26/5/2012.