Items Authored/Edited by Mura, Andrea

Number of items: 25.
Mura, Andrea.
Political and economic theology after Carl Schmitt: The confessional logic of deferment.
Journal for Cultural Research, 26(3-4),
pp. 266-278.
ISSN 1479-7585
Mura, Andrea.
National Finitude and the Paranoid Style of the One.
Contemporary Political Theory, 15(1),
pp. 58-79.
ISSN 1470-8914
Mura, Andrea.
Debito e Comune: Per un’etica del non-tutto.
Aut Aut, 365,
pp. 84-98.
Mura, Andrea.
Il neoliberismo e il paradigma dell’indebitamento: Una lettura psicoanalitica [Neoliberalism and the paradigm of indebtedness: A Psychoanalytic Reading].
LETTERa: Quaderni di clinica e cultura psicoanalitica, 5,
pp. 193-210.
Mura, Andrea.
Lacan and Debt: The Discourse of the Capitalist in Times of Austerity.
Philosophy Today, 59(2),
pp. 155-174.
ISSN 0031-8256
Mura, Andrea and Gentili, Dario.
The Austerity of the Commons: A Struggle for the Essential.
Mura, Andrea.
The Inclusive Dynamics of Islamic Universalism: From the Vantage Point of Sayyid Qutb’s Critical Philosophy.
Comparative Philosophy, 5(1),
pp. 30-55.
ISSN 2151-6014
Mura, Andrea.
Islamism Revisited: A Lacanian Discourse Critique.
European Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1(1),
pp. 107-126.
ISSN 2284-1059
Mura, Andrea.
The Symbolic Function of Transmodernity.
Language and Psychoanalysis, Autumn(1),
pp. 67-86.
ISSN 2049-324X
Book Section
Mura, Andrea.
Cent’anni dopo 'Teologia Politica': Pensiero tecnico-economico e Impresa di Sé.
In: Arthur Bradley and Elettra Stimilli, eds.
Teologia Politica Oggi?
Macerata: Quodlibet.
ISBN 9788822920782
[Book Section]
Mura, Andrea.
Religion and Islamic Radicalization.
In: Yannis Stavrakakis, ed.
The Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalytic Political Theory.
London: Routledge, pp. 316-329.
ISBN 9781138696310
[Book Section]
Mura, Andrea.
Teologia Politica e Islamismo: Tra universalismo e caduta apocalittica nel pensiero di Sayyid Qutb.
In: Elettra Stimilli, ed.
Teologie e politica: Genealogie e attualità.
Macerata, Italy: Quodlibet.
ISBN 9788822902429
[Book Section]
Mura, Andrea.
Orient, Orientation, and the Western Referent: From
Comparative to World Thought.
In: Lucian Stone and Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh, eds.
Manifestos for World Thought.
London: Rowman & Littlefield International, pp. 3-21.
ISBN 9781783489510
[Book Section]
Gentili, Dario and Mura, Andrea.
Ein Theater-Commons kommt zur Welt. Die Stiftung Teatro Valle Bene Comune.
In: Silke Helfrich and David Bollier, eds.
Die Welt der Commons: Muster gemeinsamen Handelns.
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 132-135.
ISBN 9783839432457
[Book Section]
Mura, Andrea and Gentili, Dario.
The Birth of a Theater Commons.
In: David Bollier and Silke Helfrich, eds.
Patterns of Commoning.
Amherst, Massachusetts: The Commons Strategies Group.
ISBN 978-1937146832
[Book Section]
Mura, Andrea.
Rosi Braidotti on crisis, capital and austerity - Interview by Andrea Mura.
Edited Journal