Items Authored/Edited by Paechter, Carrie F.

Number of items: 29.
Paechter, Carrie F..
Young children, gender and the heterosexual matrix.
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 38(2),
pp. 277-291.
ISSN 0159-6306
Paechter, Carrie F.; Rosen, Michael and Bibby, Tamara.
Introduction: Walter Benjamin, childhood and pedagogy.
Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 24(4),
pp. 481-483.
ISSN 1468-1366
Paechter, Carrie F. and Clark, Sheryl.
Being ‘nice’ or being ‘normal’: girls resisting discourses of ‘coolness’.
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 37(3),
pp. 457-471.
ISSN 0159-6306
Francis, Becky and Paechter, Carrie F..
The problem of gender categorisation: addressing
dilemmas past and present in gender and
education research.
Gender and Education, 27(7),
pp. 776-790.
ISSN 0954-0253
Paechter, Carrie F..
Concepts of Fairness in Marriage and Divorce.
Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 54(6),
pp. 458-475.
Paechter, Carrie F..
Researching sensitive issues online: implications of a hybrid insider/outsider position in a retrospective ethnographic study.
Qualitative Research, 13(1),
pp. 71-86.
ISSN 1468-7941
Paechter, Carrie F..
Tomboys and girly-girls: embodied femininities in primary schools.
Discourse, 31(2),
pp. 221-235.
ISSN 0159-6306
Paechter, Carrie F..
Masculine femininities/feminine masculinities: power, identities and gender.
Gender and Education, 18(3),
pp. 253-263.
ISSN 09540253
Paechter, Carrie F..
Being Boys, Being Girls: learning masculinities and femininities.
Open University Press.
ISBN 0335219748
Book Section
Paechter, Carrie F..
Polyphonie? Ausblicke auf einen anderen Geschlechterdiskurs in der Pädagogik.
In: Edgar Forster; B. Rendtorff and C. Mahs, eds.
Back to the Boys? Jungenpädagogik im Widerstreit.
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 147-263.
ISBN 978-3-17-021807-9
[Book Section]
Shain, Farzana.
Refusing to Integrate: Asian girls, achievement and the experience of schooling.
In: C Jackson; Carrie F. Paechter and E Renold, eds.
Girls and Education 3-16: Continuing concerns.
Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 62-74.
ISBN 9780335235629
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item
Edited Book