Items Authored/Edited by Potter, Keith S.

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Number of items: 4.
Book Section
Potter, Keith; Gann, Kyle and ap Sion, Pwyll.
Introduction: experimental, minimalist, postminimalist? Origins, definitions, communities.
In: Keith S. Potter; Kyle Gann and Pwyll ap Sion, eds.
The Ashgate Research Companion to Minimalist and Postminimalist Music.
Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 9781 409435495
[Book Section]
Potter, Keith.
Mapping Early Minimalism.
In: Keith S. Potter; Kyle Gann and Pwyll ap SiƓn, eds.
The Ashgate Research Companion to Minimalist and Postminimalist Music.
Farnham, UK: Ashgate, pp. 19-37.
ISBN 9781409435495
[Book Section]
Edited Book