Items Authored/Edited by Rowden, Clair

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Number of items: 3.
Book Section
Matsumoto, Naomi.
Dreaming of Wagner: Performing Gluck and the Aspiration for a National Theatre in Japan.
In: Clair Rowden; Paulo M Kuhl and Barbara Gentili, eds.
Opera in Transnational Contexts: Circulating Identities and Cultures.
[Book Section]
(In Press)
Matsumoto, Naomi.
Giovanni Vittorio Rosi's Musical Theatre: Opera, Operetta and the Westernisation of Modern Japan.
In: Michela Niccolai and Clair Rowden, eds.
Musical Theatre in Europe 1830-1945.
Turnout: Brepols, pp. 351-385.
ISBN 9782503577661
[Book Section]