Items Authored/Edited by Yesil, Bilge

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Number of items: 4.
Book Section
Yesil, Bilge and Bulut, Ergin.
Post-truth in Turkey: Political Economy of Media and Articulations of Gender, Ethnicity and Nationalism.
In: Jayson Harsin, ed.
Re-thinking Mediations of Post-truth Politics and Trust: Globality, Culture, Affect.
New York: Routledge, pp. 180-195.
ISBN 9781032484198
[Book Section]
Khiabany, Gholam.
Intellectuals, Modernities, and the Emerging Public Sphere.
In: Joe F. Khalil; Gholam Khiabany; Tourya Guaaybess and Bilge Yesil, eds.
The Handbook of Media and Culture in the Middle East.
New York: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 55-63.
ISBN 9781119637066
[Book Section]
Edited Book