Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Husanovic, Jasmina

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Husanovic, Jasmina. 2012. “Kultura traume i identitarna politika u BiH: kritika ideologije pomirenja”. Diskursi. Društvo, religija, kultura /Discourses: Society, Religion, Culture, 3, [Article]


Husanovic, Jasmina. 2011. “Bauk koji obećava. ‘Ljudski otpad’ protiv upravljanja terorom politike nejednakosti” / “A Promising Spectre: ‘Human Waste’ Against the Governance of Terror of the Politics of Inequality”. In: Ines Prica and Tea Škokić, eds. Horror-porno-ennui: Kulturne prakse postsocijalizma / Horror-Porno-Ennui: Cultural Practices of Post-socialism. Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research. [Book Section]

Husanovic, Jasmina. 2011. “Community as Academia: An Outline of Emancipatory Politics of Knowledge Production”. In: Peter Penda and Tatjana Bijelić, eds. Modernisation of Literary and Cultural Studies. Podgorica: Faculty of Philology, Banjaluka and Faculty of Philology. [Book Section]

Husanovic, Jasmina. 2011. “Culture of Trauma and Identity Politics – Critical Frames and Emancipatory Lenses of Cultural and Knowledge Production”. In: Aldo Milohnić and Nada Švob-Đokić, eds. Cultural identity politics in the (post-) transitional societies. Ljubljana: Institute for International Relations, Zagreb and Peace Institute. [Book Section]

Husanovic, Jasmina. 2011. “Upravljanje životom kroz biopolitičke/tanatopolitičke režime u Bosni i Hercegovini: bauci emancipativne politike”/”Governing Life Through Biopolitical/Thanatopolitical Regimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Spectres of Emancipatory Politics”. In: D Majstorović and V Turjačanin, eds. U okrilju nacije. Etnički i državni identitet kod mladih u Bosni i Hercegovini / In the Nation’s Embrace. Ethnic and State Identity amongst Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Banjaluka: Centar za kulturni popravak,. [Book Section]



Husanovic, Jasmina. 2008. “Feminist Aspects of the Postcolonial Imaginary of Bosnia”. In: Kirin Jambrešić Kirin and Sandra Prlenda, eds. Rethinking North and South in Post-Coloniality. Zagreb: Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku ; Centar za ženske studije Centre of Women’s Studies and Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research. ISBN 978-953-6020-48-5 [Book Section]



Husanovic, Jasmina. 2006. “At the Interstices of Past, Present, and Future: Politics of Witnessing in Bosnia and Cultural-Artistic Practices of Traversal”. In: Katrin Klingan and Ines Kappert, eds. Leap Into the City: Chisinau, Sofia, Pristina, Sarajevo, Warsaw, Zagreb, Ljubljana: Cultural Positions, Political Conditions: Seven Scenes from Europe. New York: Dumont. ISBN 978-3832177126 [Book Section]



Husanovic, Jasmina. 2004. “‘In Search of Agency’: Reading practices of resistance to old/new biopolitics of sovereignty in Bosnia”. In: Jenny Edkins; Véronique Pin-Fat and Michael J Shapiro, eds. Sovereign Lives: Power in Global Politics. New York: Routledge, pp. 211-238. ISBN 978-0415947367 [Book Section]

Husanovic, Jasmina. 2004. “New Politics and the Sphere of Cultural Production in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. In: Christophe Solioz and Tobias K Vogel, eds. Dayton and Beyond: Perspectives on the Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. ISBN 978-3832910266 [Book Section]

Husanovic, Jasmina. 2004. Reckoning with the 'Bosnia Troubles': Trauma, Witnessing, and Politics. The Anthropology of East Europe Review, 22(2), pp. 15-21. ISSN 2153-2931 [Article]



Husanovic, Jasmina. 2001. “Practice With No Language: A Reflection on the Gender Scene in Bosnia in a Sarajevo Workshop”. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 3(1), pp. 124-130. ISSN 1461-6742 [Article]


Husanovic, Jasmina and Owens, Patricia. 2000. Emancipation: A 'Shrieking in Keeping'? An email conversation on feminism, Emancipation and security between Jasmina Husanovic and Patricia Owens. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 2(3), pp. 424-434. ISSN 1461-6742 [Article]

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