Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Mollona, Massimiliano

Number of items: 28.
Mollona, Massimiliano.
Art/Commons: Anthropology Beyond Capitalism.
London: Zed.
ISBN 9781786996992
Mollona, Massimiliano.
Brazilian Steel Town: Machines, Land, Money and Commoning in the Making of the Working Class.
New York: Berghahn Books.
ISBN 9781789204339
Mollona, Massimiliano.
Labor and Land Struggles in a Brazilian Steel Town: The Reorganization of Capital under Neo-Extractivism.
In: Jan Breman; Kevan Harriss; Ching Kwan Lee and Marcel van der Linden, eds.
The Social Question in the Twenty-First Century: A Global View.
Oakland, California: University of California Press, pp. 134-151.
ISBN 9780520302402
[Book Section]
Mollona, Massimiliano.
History and class: a response to Palmer.
Dialectical Anthropology, 42(4),
pp. 471-475.
ISSN 0304-4092
Rogoff, Irit; Moreno, Louis; Mollona, Massimiliano; Harney, Stefano and Sternfeld, Nora.
In: "Infrastructure", Bergen Assembly, Norway, 1 September - 1 October 2016.
Mollona, Massimiliano.
Industrial Work and Life: An Anthropological Reader.
london: berg.
ISBN 978-1847880741
Mollona, Massimiliano.
Made in Sheffield. An Ethnography of Industrial Work and Politics.
oxford: Berghahn.
ISBN 978-1-84545-551-4