Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Yildiz, Yesim Yaprak

Number of items: 12.
Yildiz, Yesim Yaprak.
Dealing with the Past in Turkey: What Does the Call for Helalleşme Mean?.
Heathershaw, John; Chalcraft, John; Chubb, Andrew; Fulda, Andreas; Hughes, Chris; Kaczmarska, Katarzyna; Karran, Terence; Lennox, Corinne; Pils, Eva; Prelec, Tena; Rudolph, Kelli; Woodman, Sophia and Yildiz, Yesim Yaprak.
Model code of conduct: protection of academic freedom and the academic community in the context of the internationalisation of the UK HE sector.
The International Journal of Human Rights, 26(10),
pp. 1858-1865.
ISSN 1364-2987
Yildiz, Yesim Yaprak and Baert, Patrick.
Confessions without guilt: public confessions of state violence in Turkey.
Theory and Society, 50(1),
pp. 125-149.
ISSN 0304-2421
Lennox, Corinne and Yildiz, Yesim Yaprak.
Activist scholarship in human rights.
International Journal of Human Rights, 24(1),
pp. 4-27.
ISSN 1364-2987
Yildiz, Yesim Yaprak and Feigenbaum, Anna.
The Paradox of Tear Gas: An Interview with Anna Feigenbaum.
Yildiz, Yesim Yaprak.
Forced Confession as a Ritual of Sovereignty: The Case of Diyarbakır Military Prison in Turkey.
Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, 17(2),
pp. 185-198.
ISSN 1388-1906
Yildiz, Yesim Yaprak.
Nowhere to Turn: The Situation of Dom Refugees From Syria in Turkey.
Project Report.
European Roma Rights Centre, Budapest.
Yildiz, Yesim Yaprak; Baumann, Fruzsina and Dutta, Sumita.
Empowering Women or Perpetuating Victimhood: Minority Ethnic and Roma Women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence Policy and Service Provision.
Project Report.
IMECE Turkish Speaking Women’s Group/London Training and Employment Network/Regional Social Welfare Resource Centre, London/Budapest.