Items of Type Edited Book

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Number of items: 6.

Day, Sophie E.; Papataxiarchis, Evthymios; Stewart, Michael and Papataxiarchis, Akis, eds. 1998. Lilies of the Field: Marginal People Who Live for the Moment,. Westview Press Inc. ISBN 978-0813335315 [Edited Book]

Sheikh, Simon; Sander, Katya and Høgsbro Østergaard, Cecilie, eds. 1998. The Meaning of Site. Copenhagen: [Edited Book]

Lash, Scott; Quick, Andrew and Roberts, Richard, eds. 1998. Time and Value (Cultural Values). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0631210030 [Edited Book]

Hutnyk, John and Kaur, Raminder, eds. 1998. Travel Worlds: Journeys in Contemporary Cultural Politics. Zed books. ISBN 9781856495622 [Edited Book]

Dunwoodie, Peter and Hughes, Edward J., eds. 1998. Constructing Memories: Camus, Algeria and 'Le Premier Homme'. Stirling: Stirling French Studies. ISBN 1-85769-0559 [Edited Book]

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