Art Therapy for Children: How it leads to Change

Waller, Diane E.. 2006. Art Therapy for Children: How it leads to Change. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 11(2), pp. 271-282. ISSN 13591045 [Article]

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Abstract or Description

The aim of art therapy is to facilitate positive change through engagement with the therapist and the art materials in a safe environment. This article will explore how art therapy is used to help children with emotional, developmental and behavioural problems. It will show how change occurs during the process of physical involvement with the materials; through the making of a significant art object; through sublimation of feelings into the images; and through communication with the therapist via the art object. The article is illustrated with case vignettes which demonstrate how the theories underpinning art therapy are put into practice, drawing attention to the changes that occur as a result.

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Departments, Centres and Research Units:

Social, Therapeutic & Community Engagement (STaCS)


April 2006Published

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Date Deposited:

12 Mar 2009 15:42

Last Modified:

17 May 2024 11:45

Peer Reviewed:

Yes, this version has been peer-reviewed.


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