EEG Correlates of Trait and Mathematical Anxiety during Lexical and Numerical Error-Recognition Tasks.

Savostyanov, A.N.; Dolgorukova, T.A.; Esipenko, E.A.; Zaleshin, M.S.; Malanchini, Margherita; Budakova, A.V.; Saprygin, A.E.; Golovko, T.A. and Kovas, Yulia. 2015. EEG Correlates of Trait and Mathematical Anxiety during Lexical and Numerical Error-Recognition Tasks. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic and Management Engineering, pp. 554-558. ISSN 0950-4125 [Article]

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Abstract or Description

EEG correlates of mathematical and trait anxiety level
were studied in 52 healthy Russian-speakers during execution of
error-recognition tasks with lexical, arithmetic and algebraic
conditions. Event-related spectral perturbations were used as a
measure of brain activity. The ERSP plots revealed alpha/beta
desynchronizations within a 500-3000 ms interval after task onset
and slow-wave synchronization within an interval of 150-350 ms.
Amplitudes of these intervals reflected the accuracy of error
recognition, and were differently associated with the three conditions. The correlates of anxiety were found in theta (4-8 Hz) and beta2 (16-20 Hz) frequency bands. In theta band the effects of mathematical
anxiety were stronger expressed inlexical, than in arithmetic and
algebraic condition. The mathematicalanxiety effects in theta band
were associated with differences between anterior and posterior
cortical areas, whereas the effects of trait anxiety were associated
with inter-hemispherical differences. In beta1 and beta2 bands effects of trait and mathematical anxiety were directed oppositely. The trait anxiety was associated with increase of amplitude of
desynchronization, whereas the mathematical anxiety was associated with decrease of this amplitude. The effect of mathematical anxiety in beta2 band was insignificant for lexical condition but was the strongest in algebraic condition. EEG correlates of anxiety in theta band could be interpreted as indexes of task emotionality, whereas the reaction in beta2 band is related to tension of intellectual resources.

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1 September 2015Published

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Date Deposited:

09 Aug 2017 13:58

Last Modified:

05 Mar 2025 22:01

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