PARSE Journal Issue # 2 The Value of Contemporary Art

Bowman, Jason; Malik, Suhail and Phillips, Andrea, eds. 2015. PARSE Journal Issue # 2 The Value of Contemporary Art, PARSE Journal Issue # 2 The Value of Contemporary Art, 2. 2002-0511 [Edited Journal]


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Abstract or Description

This issue of PARSE sheds light on the ways in which art’s market and operational conditions produce and distribute regimes of value. Measurement of any value (cultural, aesthetic or monetary) in the arts tends to be occasional, anecdotal, and disparate. Indeed, proposals to introduce systemic analysis and measurement into contemporary art are often treated with suspicion by those who oppose art’s regulation as yet another infringement of accountability to metrics that, so it is supposed, would deny the idea that art’s value is immeasurable. As with production in other artistic disciplines — theatre, music, dance, design, each of which has distinctively organ- ised nancial support systems — visual arts in Euro-American societies relies on the idea of intrinsic cultural value and, as with the other artistic disciplines, is deeply affected by the on-going decreases in public funding over the last four decades, marking a significant transformation in the once cherished notion that artistic value was indeed non-measurable. How does the economic and subjective transformation of the past forty years affect concepts of value in the arts? And how might an analysis of arts’ nancing change the core concepts of value?

Item Type:

Edited Journal

Additional Information:


Dave Beech
Richard Birkett with Cameron Rowland
Alberto López Cuenca
Goldin+Senneby with an introduction by Pip Day
Victoria Ivanova
Hannah Newell
Andrea Phillips
Lise Soskolne
Vermeir & Heireman
Donna Yates


art, contemporary art, value, price, markets, autonomy, financialisation

Departments, Centres and Research Units:




Item ID:


Date Deposited:

04 Oct 2017 12:11

Last Modified:

06 Mar 2025 00:41


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