Visual Cultures as World-Forming

Martinon, Jean-Paul and Madani, Adnan. 2024. Visual Cultures as World-Forming. Berlin: Sternberg Press. ISBN 9783956795374 [Book]

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How does the world form itself and what is the role of the visual in this formation? Most responses to these questions refer to the rise of what has been called globalization, thus highlighting the acceleration of exchanges, the proliferation of information and communication devices as well as the multiplication of globally circulated goods and images that characterize the world we live in. Visual Cultures as World Forming takes a different approach by focusing on the as yet under-examined modalities of world forming: the relations of bodies and their incestuous intersections. With these modalities, Jean-Paul Martinon and Adnan Madani expose not only how the contemporary imaginary is constructed but also the ways in which we are embodying it. The publication is made of two newly commissioned essays and a conversation.

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Departments, Centres and Research Units:

Visual Cultures


3 April 2024

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Date Deposited:

15 Aug 2018 13:27

Last Modified:

03 May 2024 09:54


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