An archigenesis of experience

Parisi, Luciana. 2009. An archigenesis of experience. Australian Feminist Studies, 24(59), pp. 39-51. ISSN 0816-4649 [Article]

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Abstract or Description

To think of feminist generation according to sequential timelines as those represented by an inherited grid of positions is to under-evaluate the spatio-temporal nexus of transitory relations, whereby the inheritance of the past into the present may necessarily imply a break from the continuum for a novel experience of sexual difference to come. The concern here is not for feminist timelines but primarily with feminist timelines in a curving spatio-temporal continuum, the extension of sexual difference outside the logic of chronos, the becoming of sexual difference as singular events occupying determinate spatio-temporal blocs, implicating the potentiality of all experience of sexual difference into the eventuation of a complex extensive region. (Quotes from original text)

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Feminism, Historicism, Theoretical models

Departments, Centres and Research Units:

Centre for Cultural Studies (1998-2017)



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Date Deposited:

16 Jul 2010 14:35

Last Modified:

12 Jun 2024 15:22

Peer Reviewed:

Yes, this version has been peer-reviewed.


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