Thought at its limits: immanence and philosophy in Foucault and Deleuze

Nunes, Rodrigo. 2009. Thought at its limits: immanence and philosophy in Foucault and Deleuze. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Text (Thought at its limits: immanence and philosophy in Foucault and Deleuze)
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Abstract or Description

This thesis argues that immanence should be understood as the key problem of modern philosophy, by virtue of giving a philosophical form to the rise of a critical attitude in regards to claims to truth and authority. If the space defined this question is where all thought since the early Enlightenment is deployed, it is nevertheless the case that it receives its most important inflection when, with Kant, critique is brought to bear on philosophy itself, which is questioned as to its own authority and truth. This entails a redoubling of the problem of immanence, which must now be understood as being separated into a material (immanence of thought to Being) and formal (immanence of Being to thought) side. Bringing the two together becomes the greatest challenge for all subsequent philosophy, and the way in which each philosophy attempts to do it is determinant for the future of the political and cultural question of critique. Deleuze and Foucault are both critical of the two main cases of solution to this problem - the transcendental (Kant and phenomenology) and the historical (Hegel and Marx). It is in Nietzsche that they find the inspiration for a kind of critique that will avoid closure, and therefore escape from being made relative to its own present; that can affirm at once the two determinations of immanence that are most important for the two - univocity and perspectivism -; and that can provide a new solution to the challenge of making formal and material immanence coincide. I thus propose that we can find in the two a third alternative to this central problem of all philosophical modernity, which I call a performative solution.

Item Type:

Thesis (Doctoral)

Identification Number (DOI):


immanence, philosophy, truth, authority, Kant, Deleuze, Foucault



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Date Deposited:

20 Jul 2023 11:30

Last Modified:

20 Jul 2023 12:00


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