Human rights and general principles: beyond the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Volou, Aristi and Ziegler, Katja S.. 2022. Human rights and general principles: beyond the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. In: Katja S. Ziegler; Paivi J. Neuvonen and Violeta Moreno-Lax, eds. Research Handbook on General Principles in EU Law: Constructing Legal Orders in Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 327-349. ISBN 9781784712372 [Book Section]

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Abstract or Description

This chapter discusses the dialectic relationship of general principles and the evolution of human rights in the EU legal order. Human (or fundamental) rights are of specific signifcance for general principles as an area of reference in a number of ways: in regard to the methodology of defining and identifying general principles; their link to constitutional values of the EU, the relationship between different sources of human rights in the EU; the relationship between unwritten general principles and a codified source; the specific, active and multidimensional dynamics of general principles in the context of fundamental rights; the relationship of general principles in the area of fundamental rights with their codification in the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights; and their possible continued relevance for courts in adjudicating human rights in the UK in post-Brexit.

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Book Section

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19 April 2022Published

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Date Deposited:

02 Feb 2024 10:54

Last Modified:

02 Feb 2024 10:54


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