CCheXR-Attention: Clinical concept extraction and chest x-ray reports classification using modified Mogrifier and bidirectional LSTM with multihead attention

Rani, Somiya; Jain, Amita; Kumar, Akshi and Yang, Guang. 2024. CCheXR-Attention: Clinical concept extraction and chest x-ray reports classification using modified Mogrifier and bidirectional LSTM with multihead attention. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 34(1), e23025. ISSN 0899-9457 [Article]

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Abstract or Description

Radiology reports cover different aspects, from radiological observation to the diagnosis of an imaging examination, such as X-rays, MRI, and CT scans. Abundant patient information presented in radiology reports poses a few major challenges. First, radiology reports follow a free-text reporting format, which causes the loss of a large amount of information in unstructured text. Second, the extraction of important features from these reports is a huge bottleneck for machine learning models. These challenges are important, particularly the extraction of key features such as symptoms, comparison/priors, technique, finding, and impression because they facilitate the decision-making on patients’ health. To alleviate this issue, a novel architecture CCheXR-Attention is proposed to extract the clinical features from the radiological reports and classify each report into normal and abnormal categories based on the extracted information. We have proposed a modified mogrifier LSTM model and integrated a multihead attention method to extract the more relevant features. Experimental outcomes on two benchmark datasets demonstrated that the proposed model surpassed state-of-the-art models.

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Additional Information:

Funding information: Guang Yang was supported in part by the ERC IMI (101005122), the H2020 (952172), the MRC (MC/PC/21013), the Royal Society (IEC\NSFC\211235), the NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant Program, the SABER project supported by Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd, and the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (MR/V023799/1).

Data Access Statement:

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study


clinical concept extraction, clinical name entity recognition, deep learning, Mogrifier LSTM, multihead attention, natural language processing

Departments, Centres and Research Units:



3 January 2024Accepted
28 January 2024Published Online
January 2024Published

Item ID:


Date Deposited:

08 Feb 2024 11:30

Last Modified:

08 Feb 2024 15:36

Peer Reviewed:

Yes, this version has been peer-reviewed.


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