"þ thorns þ", with Sara Garzón, Rose Choreographic School, Sadler Wells

Hameed, Ayesha. 2024. "þ thorns þ", with Sara Garzón, Rose Choreographic School, Sadler Wells. [Audio]

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Item Type:

Creators: Hameed, Ayesha
Abstract or Description:

This episode is a conversation between Ayesha Hameed and Sara Garzón. Ayesha is an artist whose work explores contemporary borders and migration, critical race theory, Walter Benjamin, and visual cultures of the Black Atlantic. Sara is a Colombian curator and art historian who specialises in contemporary Latin American art, and focuses on issues relating to decoloniality, temporality, and indigenous eco-criticism.

In this episode, they discuss the intersection of coloniality, indigenous knowledges, and new media technologies, with a focus on climate catastrophe from a historical perspective.

Contributors: Garzón, Sara (Collaborator)
Official URL: https://shows.acast.com/664dc7427536b60011a0bd00/6...
Additional Information:

Related URL: https://www.sadlerswells.com/digital-stage/thorns-podcast/

Departments, Centres and Research Units: Visual Cultures
Dimensions or Duration:
51 minutesDuration
Item ID: 35464
Date Deposited: 21 Mar 2024 10:54
Last Modified: 18 Feb 2025 11:15



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