Peter Wollen - Writing, Politics, Film

Eshun, Kodwo; Mulvey, Laura and Russell, Wendy. 2020. Peter Wollen - Writing, Politics, Film. [Film/Video]

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Item Type:

Creators: Eshun, Kodwo; Mulvey, Laura and Russell, Wendy
Abstract or Description:

To celebrate the remastering of Friendship’s Death, on 17 October 2020, Professor Laura Mulvey and Dr. Kodwo Eshun joined BFI archivist Wendy Russell for an appreciation of the work of Peter Wollen.

Mulvey and Eshun consider Friendship’s Death, exploring multiple themes within the film, its political contexts and biographical circumstances. The discussion broadened to consider Wollen’s eclectic body of writing and the unique critical perspective he brought to bear in a wide variety of fields, from his politically committed work to his screenwriting.

Official URL:
Additional Information:

Extra on the BFI DVD/Blu-ray edition of Friendship's Death

Departments, Centres and Research Units: Visual Cultures
Dimensions or Duration:
62 minutesDuration
Item ID: 36241
Date Deposited: 09 May 2024 10:40
Last Modified: 09 May 2024 10:40


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