Medium Earth

Eshun, Kodwo. 2013. Medium Earth. [Film/Video]

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Item Type:

Creators: Eshun, Kodwo
Abstract or Description:

The accumulation of moving images and sounds that make up Medium Earth comprise an audiovisual essay on the millennial time of geology and the infrastructural unconscious of Southern California. Focused on the ways in which tectonic forces express themselves in boulder outcrops and the hairline fractures of cast concrete, Medium Earth participates in the cultures of prophecy and forecasting that mediate the experience of seismic upheaval. The desire to evoke the hidden substrata of the planet gives way to a morphological interpretation of the face of the earth. As an experiment in channeling the system of fault lines buried below California, Medium Earth animates the stresses and strains of physical geographies undergoing continental pressures.

Official URL:
Departments, Centres and Research Units: Visual Cultures
Dimensions or Duration:
41 minutes 8 secondsDuration
Item ID: 36323
Date Deposited: 13 May 2024 10:58
Last Modified: 13 May 2024 11:03


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