Born This Way? National Collective Narcissism, Implicit Homophobia, and Homosexual Essentialism in Populist Poland

Lantos, Dorottya; Mole, Richard C. M. and Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka. 2024. Born This Way? National Collective Narcissism, Implicit Homophobia, and Homosexual Essentialism in Populist Poland. Archives of Sexual Behavior, ISSN 0004-0002 [Article] (In Press)

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Abstract or Description

Prejudice toward the LGBT community has become prevalent in Poland under the ultraconservative populist government. The results of three studies conducted between 2018 and 2019 (N1 = 879, N2 = 324, and N3 = 374) indicate that Polish collective narcissism—the belief that the exaggerated greatness of the nation is not recognized by others—is associated with implicit homophobia assessed as the intuitive disapproval of gay men and automatic evaluative preference of heterosexuality over homosexuality. Those associations were to a large extent explained by the relationships between collective narcissism and (1) the belief that groups defined by sexual orientations are essentially distinct; (2) the belief that homosexuality is a personal choice, not genetically determined or culturally universal. The experimental results of Study 3 indicated that inducing the belief that non-normative sexuality is genetically determined and culturally universal reduced automatic preference for heterosexuality over homosexuality (but not intuitive disapproval of gay men) across levels of collective narcissism (contrary to predictions). The obtained results complete the picture of the association of narcissistic beliefs about the nation and homophobia emerging from previous studies. National narcissism is linked not only to explicit but also to latent, implicit homophobia likely to be triggered by increased presence of national narcissism in public discourse. Moreover, national narcissism is linked to implicit homophobia, especially via the agentic belief that sexual orientation is a matter of choice. Changing this belief reduces implicit homophobia also among national narcissists.

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Additional Information:

Funding: Open Access funding enabled and organized by CAUL and its Member Institutions. This project was funded by the Noble Foundation’s Programme on Modern Poland ( The project ran from September 2018 to October 2019.

Data Access Statement:

All datasets can be found on OSF:


Implicit homophobia, National collective narcissism, Populism, Sexual orientation, Essentialism, Implicit Association Test

Departments, Centres and Research Units:



6 June 2023Submitted
29 June 2024Accepted
16 August 2024Published Online

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Date Deposited:

27 Aug 2024 12:22

Last Modified:

27 Aug 2024 12:22

Peer Reviewed:

Yes, this version has been peer-reviewed.


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