Items Authored/Edited by Alexander, Victoria D.

Number of items: 22.
Alexander, Victoria D. and Peterson Gilbert, Oliver.
The REED Typology: Understanding Market-Orientation and Instrumental Values
in Cultural Policy across Europe.
Cultural Trends,
ISSN 0954-8963
(In Press)
Alexander, Victoria D. and Bowler, Anne E..
Contestation in aesthetic fields: Legitimation and legitimacy struggles in outsider art.
Poetics, 84,
ISSN 0304-422X
Alexander, Victoria D.; Blank, Grant and Hale, Scott A..
TripAdvisor Reviews of London Museums: A New Approach to Understanding Visitors.
Museum International, 70(1-2),
pp. 154-165.
ISSN 1350-0775
Alexander, Victoria D.; Blank, Grant and Hale, Scott A..
Digital Traces of Distinction? Popular Orientation and User-Engagement with Status Hierarchies in TripAdvisor Reviews of Cultural Organizations.
New Media & Society, 20(11),
pp. 4218-4236.
ISSN 1461-4448
Alexander, Victoria D. and Bowler, Anne E..
Scandal and the Work of Art: The Nude in an Aesthetically Inflected Sociology of the Arts.
Cultural Sociology, 12(3),
pp. 325-342.
ISSN 1749-9755
Alexander, Victoria D..
Heteronomy in the arts field: state funding and British arts organizations.
The British Journal of Sociology, 69(1),
pp. 23-43.
ISSN 0007-1315
Alexander, Victoria D..
A Brave Look at Disadvantage, Black Youth, and Culture: Patterson and Fosse’s The Cultural Matrix.
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(8),
pp. 1419-1425.
ISSN 0141-9870
Alexander, Victoria D..
Art and the Twenty-First Century Gift: Corporate Philanthropy and Government Funding in the Cultural Sector.
Anthropological Forum, 24(4),
pp. 364-380.
ISSN 0066-4677
Alexander, Victoria D. and Bowler, Anne E..
Art at the Crossroads: The Arts in Society and the Sociology of Art.
Poetics, 43(1),
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 0304-422X
Alexander, Victoria D..
Views of the Neighbourhood: A Photo-Elicitation Study of the Built Environment.
Sociological Research Online, 18(1),
pp. 185-200.
Moran-Ellis, Jo; Alexander, Victoria D.; Cronin, Ann; Dickinson, Mary; Fielding, Jane; Sleney, Judith and Thomas, Hilary.
Triangulation and Integration: Processes, Claims and Implications.
Qualitative Research, 6(1),
pp. 45-59.
ISSN 1468-7941
Alexander, Victoria D..
Pictures at an Exhibition: Conflicting Pressures in Museums and the Display of Art.
American Journal of Sociology, 101(4),
pp. 797-839.
ISSN 0002-9602
Alexander, Victoria D. and Rueschemeyer, Marilyn.
Art and the State: The Visual Arts in Comparative Perspective.
London: Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 978-1-4039-4525-9
Alexander, Victoria D..
Sociology of the Arts: Exploring Fine and Popular Forms.
Oxford: Blackwells.
ISBN 0631230408
Alexander, Victoria D..
Museums and Money: The Impact of Funding on Exhibitions, Scholarship, and Management.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
ISBN 9780253332059
Book Section
Alexander, Victoria D..
Cultural Policy Effects on the Marketing Orientation in London Art Museums.
In: Karin M. Ekström, ed.
Museum Marketization: Cultural Institutions in the Neoliberal Era.
Abingdon: Routledge.
ISBN 9781138393851
[Book Section]
Alexander, Victoria D..
Public Institutions of “High” Culture.
In: Laura Grindstaff; Ming-Cheng Lo and John R Hall, eds.
Routledge Handbook of Cultural Sociology: Second Edition.
London: Routledge, pp. 369-377.
ISBN 9781138288621
[Book Section]
Alexander, Victoria D..
Enterprise Culture and the Arts: Neo-Liberal Values and British Art Institutions.
In: Victoria D. Alexander; Samuli Hägg; Simo Häyrynen and Erkki Sevänen, eds.
Art and the Challenge of Markets: National Cultural Politics and the Challenges of Marketization and Globalization 1.
London: Palgrave, pp. 67-93.
ISBN 978-3-319-64585-8
[Book Section]
Alexander, Victoria D. and Hägg, Samuli.
Reflections on the Challenge of Markets in National, International and Transnational Art Worlds.
In: Victoria D. Alexander; Samuli Hägg; Simo Häyrynen and Erkki Sevänen, eds.
Art and the Challenge of Markets Volume 1: National Cultural Politics and the Challenges of Marketization and Globalization.
London: Palgrave, pp. 327-339.
ISBN 978-3-319-64585-8
[Book Section]
Hale, Scott A.; Blank, Grant and Alexander, Victoria D..
Live versus Archive: Comparing a Web Archive and to a Population of Webpages.
In: Niels Brügger and Ralph Schroeder, eds.
The Web as History.
London: UCL Press, pp. 45-61.
ISBN 978–1–911307–42–6
[Book Section]
Edited Book
Alexander, Victoria D.; Hägg, Samuli; Häyrynen, Simo and Sevänen, Erkki, eds.
Art and the Challenge of Markets: From Commodification of Art to Artistic Critiques of Capitalism.
London: Palgrave.
ISBN 9783319646435
[Edited Book]
Alexander, Victoria D.; Hägg, Samuli; Häyrynen, Simo and Sevänen, Erkki, eds.
Art and the Challenge of Markets: National Cultural Politics and the Challenges of Marketization and Globalization.
London: Palgrave.
ISBN 9783319645858
[Edited Book]