Items Authored/Edited by Dennis, Fay

Number of items: 23.
Dennis, Fay.
Chemical species: the art and politics of living with(out) drugs after addiction.
BioSocieties, 18(3),
pp. 545-566.
ISSN 1745-8552
Dennis, Fay; Pienaar, Kiran and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Afterword: Tensions and possibilities for a narcofeminist sociology.
The Sociological Review, 71(4),
pp. 945-954.
ISSN 0038-0261
Bessonova, Alla; Byelyayeva, Olga; Kurcevič, Eliza; Plotko, Maria; Dennis, Fay; Pienaar, Kiran and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Living and responding at the margins: A conversation with narcofeminist activists.
The Sociological Review, 71(4),
pp. 742-759.
ISSN 0038-0261
Dennis, Fay; Pienaar, Kiran and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Narcofeminism and its multiples: From activism to everyday minoritarian worldbuilding.
The Sociological Review, 71(4),
723 -740.
ISSN 0038-0261
Dennis, Fay and Pienaar, Kiran.
Refusing recovery, living a ‘wayward life’: A feminist analysis of women’s drug use.
The Sociological Review, 71(4),
pp. 781-800.
ISSN 0038-0261
Dennis, Fay.
Drug fatalities and treatment fatalism: Complicating the ageing cohort theory.
Sociology of Health & Illness, 43(5),
pp. 1175-1190.
ISSN 0141-9889
Nicholls, Emily Jay; Henry, Jade Vu and Dennis, Fay.
‘Not in our Name’: Vexing Care in the Neoliberal University.
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 9(1),
pp. 65-76.
ISSN 1894-4647
Dennis, Fay.
Advocating for diamorphine: Cosmopolitical care and collective action in the ruins of the ‘old British system’.
Critical Public Health, 31(2),
pp. 144-155.
ISSN 0958-1596
Dennis, Fay.
Mapping the Drugged Body: Telling Different Kinds of Drug-using Stories.
Body & Society, 26(3),
pp. 61-93.
ISSN 1357-034X
Dennis, Fay; Rhodes, Tim and Harris, Magdalena.
More-than-harm reduction: Engaging with alternative ontologies of
‘movement’ in UK drug services.
International Journal of Drug Policy, 82,
ISSN 0955-3959
Dennis, Fay.
Making Problems: The Inventive Potential of the Arts for Alcohol and Other Drug Research.
Contemporary Drug Problems, 46(2),
pp. 127-138.
ISSN 0091-4509
Dennis, Fay.
Conceiving of addicted pleasures: A ‘modern’ paradox.
International Journal of Drug Policy, 49,
pp. 150-159.
ISSN 0955-3959
Dennis, Fay.
The injecting ‘event’: harm reduction beyond the human.
Critical Public Health, 27(3),
pp. 337-349.
ISSN 0958-1596
Dennis, Fay.
Drugs: Bodies Becoming “Normal”.
Journal of Media and Culture, 19(1),
ISSN 1441-2616
Book Section
Dennis, Fay.
How to do social research with… body mapping.
In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds.
How to Do Social Research With….
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 29-37.
ISBN 9781913380427
[Book Section]
Dennis, Fay.
Counter-Addiction Stories: Reflections from a Body Mapping Workshop in London.
In: Melina Germes; Luise Klaus and Stefan Hohne, eds.
Narcotic cities: Counter-cartographies of drugs and spaces.
Berlin: JOVIS, pp. 208-217.
ISBN 9783986120009
[Book Section]
Edited Book
Edited Journal
Henry, Jade Vu; Nicholls, Emily Jay and Dennis, Fay, eds.
Introduction: Critical Friends and the Choreographies of Care,
London Journal of Critical Thought, 4(1). 2398-662X
[Edited Journal]
Dennis, Fay and Farrugia, Adrian, eds.
Materialising drugged pleasures: Practice, politics, care,
International Journal of Drug Policy, 49. 0955-3959
[Edited Journal]
Dennis, Fay; Millar, Isla and Maltby, Penny.
"I am a work in progress": The art of living with(out) drugs.
In: ""I am a work in progress": The art of living with(out) drugs", Constance Howard Gallery, London, United Kingdom, 7 February - 25 March 2022.
Miller Oduniyi, Susie; Blair, Jeff and Dennis, Fay.
Brown Bread.
The Sociological Review Foundation.