Items Authored/Edited by Djokic, Dejan

Number of items: 36.
Djokic, Dejan.
Vek Jugoslavije: Kako i zašto su Srbi, Hrvati i Slovenci stvorili zajedničku državu.
Tragovi: Časopis za srpske i hrvatske teme, 2(1),
pp. 25-51.
ISSN 2623-8926
Djokic, Dejan.
A very Yugoslav paradox? The strange afterlife of interwar democracy (and authoritarianism).
Journal of Modern European History, 17(1),
pp. 28-36.
ISSN 1611-8944
Djokic, Dejan.
Hubert Butler and Yugoslavia.
Croatian Political Science Review, 54(4),
pp. 207-216.
ISSN 0032-3241
Djokic, Dejan.
Sukob sa Istorijom: Neka razmišljanja o prošlosti i odnosu prema njoj u postsocijalističkoj Srbiji.
Reč, 75(21),
pp. 42-59.
ISSN 0354-5288
Djokic, Dejan.
Unutaretničko pomirenje i nacionalna homogenizacija: Diskursi o pomirenju u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj krajem 80-ih i početkom 90-ih.
Rec, 70(16),
pp. 109-126.
ISSN 0354-5288
Djokic, Dejan.
Yugoslav Anti-Axis Resistance, 1939-1941: The Case of Vane Ivanovic.
Slavonic and East European Review, 79(1),
pp. 127-141.
ISSN 0037-6795
Djokic, Dejan.
A Concise History of Serbia.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9781107028388
Djokic, Dejan.
Nedostižni kompromis: Srpsko-hrvatsko pitanje u međuratnoj Jugoslaviji, transl. by Slobodanka Glišić.
Belgrade: Fabrika knjiga.
ISBN 978-86-7718-094-2
Djokic, Dejan.
Nikola Pašić and Ante Trumbić: The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.
London: Haus.
ISBN 978-1-905791-78-1
Djokic, Dejan.
Elusive Compromise: A History of Interwar Yugoslavia.
New York and London: Columbia University Press.
ISBN 978-0-231-70019-1
Book Section
Djokic, Dejan.
From Salonica to Belgrade: The Emergence of Yugoslavia, 1917–1921.
In: John R. Lampe and Ulf Brunnbauer, eds.
The Routledge Handbook of Balkan and Southeast European History.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 191-199.
ISBN 9781138613089
[Book Section]
Djokic, Dejan.
National Mobilisation in the 1930s:
The Emergence of the "Serb Question" in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
In: Dejan Djokic and J Ker-Lindsay, eds.
New Perspectives on Yugoslavia: Key Issues and Controversies.
London and New York: Routledge, pp. 62-81.
ISBN 9780415499200 (hbk)
[Book Section]
Dragovic-Soso, Jasna and Gordy, Eric.
Coming to Terms with the Past: Transitional justice and Reconciliation in the post-Yugoslav lands.
In: Dejan Djokic and J Ker-Lindsay, eds.
New Perspectives on Yugoslavia: Key Issues and Controversies.
Routledge, pp. 193-212.
ISBN 978-0-415-49920-0
[Book Section]
Djokic, Dejan.
Whose Myth? Which Nation? The Serbian Kosovo Myth Revisited.
In: Janos M. Bak; Jörg Jarnut; Pierre Monnet and Bernd Schneidmueller, eds.
Uses and Abuses of the Middle Ages: 19th-21st Century.
Munich: Wilhelm Fink, pp. 215-233.
ISBN 978-3-7705-4701-2
[Book Section]
Djokic, Dejan.
In: John Merriman and Jay Winter, eds.
Europe since 1914: The Age of War and Reconstruction.
Detroit: Charles Scribner, pp. 2790-2805.
ISBN 0684313707
[Book Section]
Edited Book
Djokic, Dejan, ed.
Nesentimentalni idealisti: Desimir Tošić, Božidar Vlajić i uvodnici časopisa Naša reč. Pariz-London, 1948-1990.
Belgrade: Službeni glasnik / Otkrovenje.
ISBN 978-86-519-1726-7 (hb)
[Edited Book]
Djokic, Dejan and Ker-Lindsay, James, eds.
New Perspectives on Yugoslavia: Key Issues and Controversies.
London and New York: Routledge.
ISBN 978-0-415-49920-0
[Edited Book]
Djokic, Dejan, ed.
Yugoslavism: Histories of a Failed Idea, 1918-1992.
University of Wisconsin Press.
ISBN 978-0-299-18610-4
[Edited Book]
Edited Journal