Items Authored/Edited by El Baroni, Bassam

Number of items: 5.
Book Section
Malik, Suhail.
Curating-at-Large: Notes Towards a Sufficiently General Category.
In: Bridget Crone; Bassam El Baroni and Matthew Poole, eds.
The Edinburgh Companion to Curatorial Futures.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
[Book Section]
Saadawi, Ghalya.
Vapid Virtues, Real Stakes: Diagnosis for Left Art Protocols.
In: Bassam El Baroni, ed.
Between the Material and the Possible: Infrastructural Re-examination and Speculation in Art.
Berlin: Sternberg Press and Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst, pp. 71-92.
ISBN 9783956796005
[Book Section]
Harbison, Isobel.
Preserving Citizenry: Derry Film and Video Collective and the quest(ion) for institutions.
In: Bridget Crone and Bassam El Baroni, eds.
The Edinbugh Companion to Curatorial Futures.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
[Book Section]
Edited Book
Crone, Bridget; El Baroni, Bassam and Poole, Matthew, eds.
The Edinburgh Companion to Curatorial Futures.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
[Edited Book]
El Baroni, Bassam.
Post-Agonistics: Pluralism, Realism and the Image.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London