Items Authored/Edited by Goddard, Victoria

Number of items: 27.
Donner, Henrike and Goddard, Victoria.
Kinship and the Politics of Responsibility: An Introduction.
Critique of Anthropology, 43(4),
pp. 331-364.
ISSN 0308-275X
Goddard, Victoria.
Trabajo y la Buena Vida o Vida Digna. Reflexiones y Críticas desde un análisis feminista.
Work and the Pursuit of a Good Life or a Life Worth Living/ Reflections from a Feminist Perspective.
Quaderns de l’ ICA(35),
pp. 5-22.
ISSN 2385-4472
Goddard, Victoria.
Discomforting ethnography and contentious biographies: the case of Argentina.
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 26(1),
pp. 44-59.
ISSN 0964-0282
Book Section
Goddard, Victoria.
From ‘the people’ to ‘the citizens’: the possibilities and limitations of populist discourse in Argentina.
In: Dimitrios Theodossopoulos and Bruce Kapferer, eds.
Democracy's Paradox. Populism and its Contemporary Crisis.
Oxford; New York: Berghahn Books.
ISBN 9781789201550
[Book Section]
Goddard, Victoria.
Debt, Vultures, and Austerity in Argentina.
In: Theodoros Rakopoulos, ed.
The Global Life of Austerity. Comparing Beyond Europe.
New York, Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 60-73.
ISBN 9781785338700
[Book Section]
Goddard, Victoria.
Appropriate kinship, legitimate nationhood: shifting registers of gender and state.
In: Tatjana Thelen and Erdmute Alber, eds.
Reconnecting State and Kinship.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
ISBN 9780812249514
[Book Section]
Goddard, Victoria.
Work and Livelihoods: An Introduction.
In: Susana Narotzky and Victoria Goddard, eds.
Work and Livelihoods. History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis.
New York; Abingdon, Oxon.: Routledge, pp. 1-27.
ISBN 978-1-138-81398-4/978-1-315-74780-4
[Book Section]
Goddard, Victoria and Narotzky, Susana.
Industry and work in contemporary capitalism. Models, markets and crisis in the global system.
In: Victoria Goddard and Susana Narotzky, eds.
Industry and Work in Contemporary Capitalism. Global models, local lives?
Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 9781138014640
[Book Section]
Goddard, Victoria.
Work and livelihoods in a changing Europe - lessons from a critical anthropology of the Mediterranean/Trabajo y sustento en una Europa en transformacion - Lecciones desde una antropologia critica del Mediterraneo.
In: Klaus Schriewer and Salvador Cayela Sanchez, eds.
Perspectivas Antropológicas. Herramientas para el Analisis de las Sociedades Europeas/Anthropological Perspectives. Tools for the Analysis of European Societies.
Spain: Editum/Waxmann, pp. 26-67.
ISBN 978-84-16038-10-7/978-3-8309-3120-1
[Book Section]
Edited Book
Edited Journal
Goddard, Victoria.
The Virile Nation: gender and ethnicity in the construction of Argentinian Pasts. GARP4.
Goldsmiths Anthropology Research Papers., London, UK.