Items Authored/Edited by Karunungan, Renee Julienne

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Number of items: 2.
Book Section
Millora, Chris and Karunungan, Renee Julienne.
Researching the criminalisation of young people’s dissent: insights from Southeast Asia.
In: Judith Bessant; Philippa Collin and Patrick O'Keefe, eds.
Research Handbook on the Sociology of Youth.
Cheltham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 69-82.
ISBN 9781803921792
[Book Section]
Millora, Chris and Karunungan, Renee Julienne.
Students by day, rebels by night? Criminalising student dissent in shrinking democracies.
Discussion Paper.
SAIH (Studentenes og Akademikernes Internasjonale Hjelpefond/Norwegian Students' and Academics' International Assistance Fund), Oslo, Norway.