Items where Division is "Sociology > Unit for Global Justice (UGJ)"
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- Goldsmiths Departments, Centres and Research Units (28371)
- Sociology (2596)
- Unit for Global Justice (UGJ) (63)
- Gender of Justice (25)
- Unit for Global Justice (UGJ) (63)
- Sociology (2596)
Number of items at this level: 53.
Bell, Vikki; Bernasconi, Oriana; Gomez, Cristina; Hernández-García, Jaime; Jaramillo, Jefferson; Lira, Elizabeth; López, Marisol; Roblez, Mitzi; Rojas, Hugo; Risco, Ana Maria; Ruiz, Jorge and Ruiz, Marcela.
Guidelines and Recommendations on the Registry and Documentation of Forced Disappearances.
Project Report.
Santiago, Chile
Bode, Malin; Boesten, Jelke; Buss, Doris; Campbell, Kirsten; Hauser, Monika; Manjoo, Rashida; Mischkowski, Gabriela; Mlinarević, Gorana; Mühlhäuser, Regina; Studzinsky, Silke and Žarkov, Dubravka.
Response to the Draft of the ‘Global Code of Conduct for Investigating and Documenting Conflict-Related Sexual Violence’.
Discussion Paper.
Bunch, C; Campbell, Kirsten; Mlinarevic, G; Otto, D; Perovic, L; Rakic Vodinelic, V and Terselic, V.
Preliminary Decision, Judicial Council of the Women’s Court for the Former Yugoslavia.
[Professional Activity]
Campbell, Kirsten.
Building National and Regional Accountability for Conflict Related Sexual Violence: From Prosecutions in the Former Yugoslavia to the African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights.
International Human Rights Law Review, 7(2),
pp. 201-224.
ISSN 2213-1027
Campbell, Kirsten.
Ethical Challenges: Researching War Crimes.
In: Malcolm Cowburn; Loraine Gelsthorpe and Azrini Wahidin, eds.
Research Ethics in Criminology: Dilemmas, Issues and Solutions.
New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 150-165.
ISBN 9781138803695
[Book Section]
Campbell, Kirsten.
From Legitimacy to Legality: The Problem of the Global Legal Form.
In: C.J Thornhill and S. Ashenden, eds.
Legality and Legitimacy: Normative and Sociological Approaches.
Berlin: Nomos, pp. 255-275.
ISBN 9783832953546
[Book Section]
Campbell, Kirsten.
Gender Justice Beyond the Tribunals.
American Journal of International Law Unbound, 110,
pp. 227-233.
ISSN 0002-9300
Campbell, Kirsten.
The Gender of Justice? Current Problems and New Directions in the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict.
In: Gaby Zipfel; Regina Mühlhäuser and Kirsten Campbell, eds.
In Plain Sight: Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict.
New Delhi: Zubaan, pp. 230-256.
ISBN 9789385932816
[Book Section]
Campbell, Kirsten.
Globalni pravni oblik međunarodnog kaznenog prava i pitanje seksualnog nasilja povezanog sa sukobima.
Treća, 15(1),
pp. 11-28.
ISSN 1331-7237
Campbell, Kirsten.
Legal Memories: Sexual Assault, Memory, and International
Humanitarian Law.
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 28(1),
pp. 149-176.
ISSN 00979740
Campbell, Kirsten.
On Violence as a Feminist Problem.
In: Zilka Spahić Šiljak; Jasna Kovačević and Jasmina Husanović, eds.
Uprkos strahu i tišini: univerziteti protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja.
Sarajevo: University of Sarajevo/TPO Foundation, pp. 31-40.
ISBN 9789958600845
[Book Section]
Campbell, Kirsten.
Reassembling International Justice: The Making of ‘the Social’ in International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice.
International Journal of Transitional Justice, 8(1),
pp. 53-74.
ISSN 1752-7716
Campbell, Kirsten.
Testemunhar o trauma: das formas legais às formas transformadoras no testemunho sobre a violência sexual em tempo de guerra na ex-Jugoslávia/ Testifying to Trauma: Witnessing Conflict before the Law.
e-cadernos ces(25),
ISSN 1647-0737
Campbell, Kirsten.
Testimonial Modes: Witnessing, Evidence, and Testimony before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.
In: Antony Rowland and Jane Kilby, eds.
The Future of Testimony: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Witnessing.
London and New York: Routledge, pp. 83-109.
ISBN 9780415854450
[Book Section]
Campbell, Kirsten and Mlinarević, Gorana.
A Feminist Critique of Approaches to International Criminal Justice in the Age of Identity Politics: A Case Study of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Prosecutions Before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.
In: Indira Rosenthal; Valerie Oosterveld and Susana SáCouto, eds.
Gender and International Criminal Law.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 75-98.
ISBN 9780198871583
[Book Section]
Campbell, Kirsten and Wastell, Sari.
Legacies of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
Technical Report.
Wenner Gren Foundation.
Fleetwood, J.
Entering the Global Field: Talk, Travel and Narrative Practice in Ecuadorian Prisons.
British Journal of Community Justice, 14(2),
pp. 13-32.
ISSN 1475-0279
Fleetwood, J.
Narrative habitus: thinking through structure/agency in the narratives of offenders.
Crime, Media, Culture, 12(2),
pp. 173-192.
ISSN 1741-6590
Fleetwood, J.
A narrative approach to women’s lawbreaking.
Feminist Criminology, 10(4),
pp. 368-388.
ISSN 1557-0851
Fleetwood, J and Turner, J.
The backpacker’s guide to the prison: penal tourism in Latin America.
In: J. Z Wilson; S Hodgkinson; P Piché and K Walby, eds.
The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Tourism.
Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 887-908.
ISBN 978-1-137-56134-3
[Book Section]
Grewal, Kiran.
The Epistemic Violence of Transitional Justice: A View from Sri Lanka.
International Journal of Transitional Justice, 17(2),
pp. 322-338.
ISSN 1752-7716
Long, Robyn.
Sexual subjectivities within neoliberalism: Can queer and crip engagements offer an alternative praxis?
Journal of International Women's Studies, 19(1),
pp. 78-93.
Nash, Kate.
Film That Brings Human Rights to Life.
Public Culture, 30(3),
pp. 393-412.
ISSN 0899-2363
Nash, Kate.
Human Rights, Movements and Law: On not researching legitimacy.
Sociology, 46(5),
pp. 797-812.
ISSN 0038-0385
Nash, Kate.
Politicising human rights in Europe: challenges to legal constitutionalism from the Left and the Right.
The International Journal of Human Rights, 20(8),
pp. 1295-1308.
ISSN 1364-2987
Nash, Kate.
We are citizens of the world?
In: , ed.
Global Values in a Changing World.
Amsterdam: KIT, p. 182.
ISBN 978 94 6022 210 8
[Book Section]
Nash, Kate.
The cultural politics of human rights and neoliberalism.
Journal of Human Rights, 18(5),
pp. 490-505.
ISSN 1475-4835
Nuñez, J and Fleetwood, J.
The Blind Panopticon: Prisoners’ subversion of the prison in Ecuador 1845-2014.
Prison Service Journal, 229,
pp. 35-40.
ISSN 0300-3558
Odih, Pamela.
Political Economy of Bibby Stockholm.
In: Pamela Odih, ed.
Spectacular Migration Regulation.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
[Book Section]
Povey, Tara.
The Impact of Sanctions and Neo-Liberalism on Women’s Organising in Iran.
Social Sciences, 5(3),
pp. 1-14.
Povey, Tara.
Islamophobia and Arab and Muslim Women's Activism.
Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(2),
Povey, Tara.
Reformism, Economic Liberalisation and Popular Mobilisation in Iran.
Middle East Critique, 28(4),
pp. 365-380.
ISSN 1943-6149
Sandberg, S and Fleetwood, J.
Street talk and Bourdieusian criminology: Bringing narrative to field theory.
Criminology and Criminal Justice, 17(4),
pp. 365-381.
ISSN 1748-8958
Tritton, P and Fleetwood, J.
An insider’s view of prison reform in Ecuador.
Prison Service Journal, 229,
pp. 40-45.
ISSN 0300-3558