Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Morley, David G.

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Number of items: 108.


Morley, David G.. 2015. Audience Studies: Class, Technology and Politics (Les Ancrages Sociaux de la Reception). Politiques de Communication, 4(1), pp. 19-35. ISSN 2271-068X [Article]

Morley, David G. and Christensen, Miyase. 2014. New Media, New Crises, New Theories? An Interview with David Morley. Popular Communication, 12(4), pp. 208-222. ISSN 1540-5702 [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2014. Cultural Studies, Common Sense and Communications. Cultural Studies, 29(1), pp. 23-31. ISSN 0950-2386 [Article]

Krajina, Zlatan; Moores, Shaun and Morley, David G.. 2014. Non-media-centric media studies: A Cross-generational conversation. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 17(6), pp. 1-19. ISSN 1367-5494 [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2013. David Morley Interview - 3 June 2011. Cultural Studies, 27(5), pp. 833-845. ISSN 0950-2386 [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2012. Television, Technology and Culture: A Contextualist Approach. The Communication Review, 15(2), pp. 79-105. ISSN 1071-4421 [Article]

Morley, David G. and Jin, Huimin. 2011. British Cultural Studies, Active Audiences and the Status of Cultural Theory : An Interview With David Morley. Theory, Culture and Society, 28(4), pp. 124-144. [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2011. Communications and Transport: The mobility of information, people and commodities. Media, Culture & Society, 33(5), pp. 743-759. ISSN 0163-4437 [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2011. Decoding , diaspora and disjuncture - Arjun Appadurai in dialogue with David Morley. New Formations, 73, pp. 44-55. ISSN 0950-2378 [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2009. Mediated Class-ifications: Representations of Class and Culture in Contemporary British Television. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 12(4), pp. 487-508. ISSN 1367-5494 [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2007. Istanbul Tales: Autobiography and the City. Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture, 37, ISSN 1362-6620 [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2006. Unanswered Questions in Audience research. The Communication Review, 9(2), pp. 101-121. ISSN 10714421 [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2003. What`s Home got to do with it? European Journal of Cultural Studies, 6(4), pp. 435-458. ISSN 1367-5494 [Article]

Morley, David G.. 2001. Belongings – space , place and identity in a mediated world. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 4(4), pp. 425-448. ISSN 1367-5494 [Article]


Morley, David G.. 2017. Communications and Mobility: The Migrant, the Mobile Phone, and the Container Box. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9781405192019 [Book]

Morley, David G.. 2007. Media, Modernity and Technology: the Geography of the New. Routledge. ISBN 9780415333429 [Book]

Morley, David G. and Curran, James P.. 2006. Media and Cultural Theory. Routledge. ISBN 9780415317054 [Book]

Morley, David G. and Robins, K.. 2001. British Cultural Studies: Geography, Nationality, and Identity. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198742061 [Book]

Morley, David G.. 1992. Television, Audiences and Cultural Studies. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415054454 [Book]

Morley, David G.. 1980. The Nationwide Audience. British Film Institute. ISBN 978-0851700977 [Book]

Brunsdon, Charlotte and Morley, David G.. 1978. Everyday Television: Nationwide. British Film Institute. ISBN 978-0851700809 [Book]

Book Section

Morley, David G.. 2024. Constituting the Techno-Normal: The Practices of Everyday Media Consumption. In: Annette Hill and Peter Lunt, eds. The Routledge Companion to Media Audiences. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 24-35. ISBN 9781032214665 [Book Section]

Morley, David G. and Hartmann, Maren. 2023. A dialogue on domestication. In: Maren Hartmann, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Media and Technology Domestication. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781032184142 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2021. Introduction Part I. In: Annette Hill; Maren Hartmann and Magnus Andersson, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Mobile Socialities. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 19-21. ISBN 9780367543976 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2021. Mobile Socialities: Communities, Mobilities and Boundaries. In: Annette Hill; Maren Hartmann and Magnus Andersson, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Mobile Socialities. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780367543976 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2018. The Politics of Theory and Method in Cultural Studies. In: Julian F. Henriques; David G. Morley and Vana Goblot, eds. Stuart Hall: Conversations, Projects and Legacies. London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 47-53. ISBN 9781906897475 [Book Section]

Drakulić, Slavenka; Morley, David G.; Krajina, Zlatan and Blanuša, Nebojša. 2016. Can Western Europe be at home in the Balkans? In: Zlatan Krajina and Nebojša Blanuša, eds. EU, Europe, Unfinished: Mediating Europe and the Balkans in a Time of Crisis. London: Rowman & Littlefield International, pp. 217-238. ISBN 9781783489787 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2014. On living in a techno-globalised world: Questions of history and geography. In: , ed. Technological Determinism and Social Change. 30 (2) Lexington, pp. 61-65. ISBN 0739191241 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2011. Electronic Landscapes: Between the Virtual and the Actual. In: M Christensen; A Jansson and C Christensen, eds. Online Territories: Globalisation, Mediated Prartice and Social Space. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 273-290. ISBN 978-1-433-10797-9 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2010. Television as a Means of Transport: Digital Teletechnologies and Transmodal Systems. In: Jostein Gripsrud, ed. Relocating Television: Television in the Digital Context. London: Routledge, pp. 257-270. ISBN 978-0-415-56453-3 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2009. Canons, Orthodoxies, Ghosts and Dead Satues. In: Ladina Bezzola Lambert and Andrea Ochsner, eds. Moment to Monument: The Making and Unmaking of Cultural Significance. Biedenfeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 209-222. ISBN 978-3-889-42962-6 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2007. The Alternative Press - Press and Publishing. In: Kate Coyer; Tony Dowmunt and Alan Fountain, eds. The Alternative Media Handbook. London: Routledge, pp. 47-58. ISBN 978-0415359658 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2006. `Unaswered Questions in Audience Research`. In: Isabelle Charpentier, ed. Comment sont reçues les oeuvres : Actualités des recherches en sociologie de la réception et des publics. Paris: Editions Créaphis. ISBN 978-2913610736 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2005. `Belongings: Place, Space and Identity` (in Spanish translation). In: Leonor Arfuch, ed. Pensar Este Tiempo. Buenos Aires: Paidos. ISBN 978-9501265521 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2005. Communication technologies and the re-configuration of Europe. In: Valentina Vitali and Paul Willemen, eds. Theorising National Cinema. BFI Publishing. ISBN 978-1844571208 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2005. Globalisation and cultural imperialism re-considered: old questions in new guises. In: James P. Curran and David G. Morley, eds. Media and Cultural Theory. Routledge, pp. 30-43. ISBN 978-0415317054 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2005. The domestication of the media and the dis-location of domesticity. In: Thomas Berker, ed. The Domestication of Media and Technology. Open University Press, pp. 21-39. ISBN 978-0335217687 [Book Section]


Conference or Workshop Item

Morley, David G.. 2015. 'Cultural Studies in the Arab World'. In: Talk. Beirut Art Centre, Lebanon. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2014. 'The Encoding/Decoding Model Revisited'. In: Centre for Cultural Studies ‘Key Texts` Seminar Series. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2014. 'The Question of Theory in Cultural Studies'. In: Stuart Hall; Conversations, Projects and Legacies. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2014. 'The Politics of Theory and Abstraction'. In: Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies 50 Years On. University of Birmingham, United Kingdom 24-25 June 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2014. 'Reconceptualisng The Media Audience'. In: Goldsmiths Media Ethnography Conference. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2014. 'Beyond the Universal Technoverse'. In: Festival of Subversive Ideas. Zagreb, Croatia. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2014. 'Media Studies and Cultural Studies'. In: Lecture. University of Rijeka, Croatia. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2014. 'Stuart Hall's Media Studies'. In: Lecture. University of Brighton, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2014. 'Techno-Globalisation: Virtual and Material Geographies; The Politics of Mobile Technologies'. In: Lecture Series. Department of Communications, Bahecesir University, Istanbul, Turkey. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2013. 'Media Audiences and Cultural Power – Methodological Considerations'. In: Lecture. Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2013. 'Technologies, Geographies and Mobilities in Contemporary Europe'. In: Media Mobility and Europe. School of Advanced Studies/University of Dubrovnik, Croatia. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2012. 'Illusions of the Techno-Global; From Communications to Culture'. In: Lecture Series. Faculty of Social Science, Charles University, Czech Republic. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2012. 'Recent Trends in UK Cultural Studies'. In: ACSIS Conference, Current Issues in European Cultural Studies. Nørkopping, Sweden. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2012. 'Tea and/or Electricity - ethnographic films and new communications technologies in North Africa'. In: Lecture. London Centre for Social Studies, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2012. 'Geographies, Territories and Cultural Flow'. In: Media Geographies Conference. Universita L'Orientale, Italy. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2012. 'Technologies, Territories and Mobilities'. In: Guest Lecture. Universita L'Orientale, Italy. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2012. 'Interviewing – Problems and Prospects'. In: ESRC Doctoral Training Scheme. QMC, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2011. 'Technologies of Communication: a Contextualist Approach'. In: 100 years of Communication. Cairo University, Egypt. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2011. 'Communications and Mobilities'. In: German Media Studies Association Annual Conference. University of Erfurt, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2011. 'Technologies, Territories and Mobilities'. In: Lecture at Centre for Research In Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2011. 'British Cultural Studies Today'. In: Association of Cultural Studies Conference. Nørkopping, Sweden. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2011. 'Culture, Media and Technology'. In: Culture, Media and Technology. Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2010. 'Audience Theory and the New Context of Cultural Studies'. In: Keynote Lecture. Beijing Language and Culture University, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2010. 'Communications and Materialism'. In: Annual Van Zelst Lecture. School of Radio, Film and TV, Northwestern University, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2010. 'From Family Television to Home Territories'. In: Guest Lecture. Department of Communication, University of Madison, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2010. 'Media Modernity and Technology Revisited'. In: Guest Lecture. Department of Film and Television, University of Michigan, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2010. 'Relinking : Communications and Transport Theory'. In: Lecture, Department of Culture and Communications. New York University, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2009. 'Between the News and the News-less'. In: Institut du Presse Francaise. Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2009. 'Mobilities, Borders and Technologies'. In: Guest Lecture at the Faculty of Law and Politics. University of Rennes, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2009. 'The Uses of ‘New’ Media ; The Anthropology of Technology; Globalisation as Cultural Imperialism'. In: Lecture Series. University of Paris II, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2009. 'Migrant Cultures and New Mobilities'. In: Multicultural London. University of Westminster, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2009. 'Globalisation, Regionalisation and Technology'. In: Lecture. Goethe Institute/University of Sofia, Bulgaria. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2009. 'Technology Studies : a Contextualist Approach'. In: German Media Studies Annual Conference. Bremen, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2009. 'The British Origins of Cultural Studies'. In: Cultural Studies: Genese, Objets et Traditions. Pompidou Centre, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2009. 'Cultural Studies and its (re)Incarnations'. In: Department of Cultural Studies. UC Riverside, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2008. 'Communications and Transport'. In: Digicult Conference. University of Paris II, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2008. 'Decoding Diaspora'. In: Migration/Diaspora AHRC Conference. University of Sterling, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2008. 'Cultural Studies and Reception Theory'. In: Bourdieu’s Legacies Conference. University of Toulouse, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2008. 'Communications and Transport'. In: Towards a Materialist Communications Studies. Cultural Research Centre, University of Western Sydney, Australia. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2008. 'Cultural Studies – Methodological Dilemmas'. In: Department of Critical Studies. University of Southern California, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2008. 'The Geography of Theory and the Place of Knowledge'. In: Global Cultural Studies Programme. UC Riverside, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2008. 'New Times and New Spaces?'. In: New Times and New Spaces. School of Communications, University of Melbourne, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2007. 'Media Studies Today'. In: Media Studies Today. Kadir Has University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2007. 'The Resistance of Material Geographies'. In: School of Cultural Studies Conference. Bilgi University, Turkey. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2007. 'TechnoZones'. In: International Humanities Centre. UC Santa Barbara, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2007. 'Alternative Modernities/Histories'. In: Cultures of Globalization. Internationales Forschungeszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Vienna, Austria. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2007. 'Canons, Orthodoxies and Dead Statues'. In: Moment to Monument Conference. University of Basle, Switzerland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2007. '‘New Media Theory – Some Problems’'. In: University of Sunderland. Sunderland, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2007. '‘Technology and the Idea of Home’'. In: Bartlett School of Planning. University College London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2007. '‘Globalisation and Cultural Imperialism` and ‘Audience Research Today`'. In: Dept of Journalism and Communication, American University in Cairo. Cairo, Egypt. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'Material Globalisation: Shipping Matters’'. In: `Homeland Securities` conference (New York University). New York, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'Media Technologies and their Uses'. In: Dept of Communications, Fordham University. New York, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'Techno-Rhetorics'. In: University of Gloucester. Gloucester, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'Regional Theories and Electronic Landscapes'. In: Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. Istanbul, Turkey. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'The Geography of the New'. In: Dept of Media Studies,University of Bremen. Bremen, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'Technologies of Magic'. In: Dept of Radio-Film-Television, NorthWestern University. Chicago, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'After Globalisation` and ` Heimat and Home'. In: Dept of Communication, Central European University. Budapest, Hungary. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2005. 'Old perspectives on `new` technologies` ‘Mobile Identities'. In: Conference Institute of Advanced Studies. Lancaster University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2005. 'Globalisation Today'. In: Network Societies and Post-Industrial Identities Conference. Eberhard Karls Universitat, Tuebingen, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2005. 'Cultural studies and its regional forms'. In: Mexican Association of Mass Communications Researchers Workshop. Mexico City, Mexico. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2005. 'Mediation, domestication and dis-location'. In: American Society for Cinema and Media Studies conference. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 'Globalisation, Borders and Technologies'. In: Globalisation, Borders and Technologies. Hsinchu University, Insitute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, Taiwan, Province of China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Edited Book

Morley, David G., ed. 2019. Stuart Hall: Essential Essays Volume 1 - Foundations of Cultural Studies. Durham: Duke University Press. ISBN 9781478000938 [Edited Book]

Morley, David G., ed. 2019. Stuart Hall: Essential Essays Volume 2 - Identity and Diaspora. Durham: Duke University Press. ISBN 9781478001638 [Edited Book]

Henriques, Julian F. and Morley, David G., eds. 2018. Stuart Hall: Conversations, Projects and Legacies. London: Goldsmiths Press. ISBN 9781906897475 [Edited Book]

Morley, David G., ed. 2000. Home Territories: Media, Mobility and Identity. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415157643 [Edited Book]

Morley, David G. and Chen, Kuan-Hsing, eds. 1996. Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415088039 [Edited Book]

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