Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa

Number of items: 51.
Varvantakis, Christos and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Touching heritage: Embodied politics in children’s photography.
Visual Communication, 23(1),
pp. 119-141.
ISSN 1470-3572
Aruldoss, Vinnarasan; Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Varvantakis, Christos.
Thinking with Feeling: Children’s Emotional Orientations to Public Life.
Childhood, 28(1),
pp. 56-71.
ISSN 0907-5682
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Childhood publics in search of an audience: reflections on the children’s environmental movement.
Children’s Geographies, 19(3),
pp. 324-331.
ISSN 1473-3285
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Varvantakis, Christos.
A ‘love song and lament’: walking the pandemic city with a spray can.
entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 4(1),
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 2516-5860
Pia, Andrea; Batterbury, Simon; Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka; LaFlamme, Marcel; Wielander, Gerda; Zerilli, Filippo M.; Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Schubert, Jon; Loubere, Nicholas; Franceschini, Ivan; Walsh, Casey; Mora, Agathe and Varvantakis, Christos.
Labour of Love: An Open Access Manifesto for Freedom, Integrity, and Creativity in the Humanities and Interpretive Social Sciences.
The Commonplace,
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Varvantakis, Christos.
Can you hear me?
entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 3(1),
pp. 1-6.
ISSN 2516-5860
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos; Chalkidou, Aspa; Corble, Alice Rose and Apgar, Marina.
Unpacking and undoing ‘the crisis’: database activism for strange times.
Discover Society, 80,
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Watters, Charles; Pratt-Boyden, Keira and Maglajlic, Reima Ana.
Place, mobility and social support in refugee mental health.
International Journal of Migration, Health, and Social Care, 16(4),
pp. 333-348.
ISSN 1747-9894
Varvantakis, Christos; Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Aruldoss, Vinnarasan.
Photography, Politics and Childhood: Exploring children’s multimodal relations with the public sphere.
Visual Studies, 34(3),
pp. 266-280.
ISSN 1472-586X
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Varvantakis, Christos.
entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 2(2),
pp. 1-6.
ISSN 2516-5860
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Varvantakis, Christos.
Fieldnotes for Amateurs.
Social Analysis, 63(3),
pp. 130-148.
ISSN 0155-977X
Aruldoss, Vinnarasan and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Tracing Indian Girls’ Embodied Orientations Towards Public Life.
Gender, Place & Culture, 26(11),
pp. 1588-1608.
ISSN 0966-369X
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Aruldoss, Vinnarasan and Varvantakis, Christos.
Learning to listen: exploring the idioms of childhood.
Sociological Research Online, 24(3),
pp. 394-413.
ISSN 1360-7804
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Varvantakis, Christos.
Another review process is possible.
entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 2(1),
pp. 1-5.
Varvantakis, Christos and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Metaphors we experiment with in multimodal ethnography.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 22(4),
pp. 365-378.
ISSN 1364-5579
Varvantakis, Christos; Dragonas, Thalia; Askouni, Nelly and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Grounding Childhood (Trans)National Identities in the Everyday.
Children & Society, 33(1),
pp. 68-81.
ISSN 0951-0605
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Review of White Gold: Stories of Breast Milk Sharing.
Anthropology in Action, 25(3),
pp. 47-49.
ISSN 0967-201X
Varvantakis, Christos and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Multimodal ethnographies between curation and experimentation.
entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 1(2),
pp. 24-29.
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Varvantakis, Christos.
Entanglements that matter (Editorial).
entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 1(1),
pp. 1-4.
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos and Aruldoss, Vinnarasan.
Political activism across the life course.
Contemporary Social Science, 12(1-2),
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 2158-2041
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos and Aruldoss, Vinnarasan.
Talking politics in everyday family lives.
Contemporary Social Science, 12(1-2),
pp. 68-83.
ISSN 2158-2041
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos and Aruldoss, Vinnarasan.
Children of the financial crisis.
Discover Society, 44,
Sanders-McDonagh, Erin; Neville, Lucy and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
from pillar to post: understanding the victimisation of women and children who experience domestic violence in an age of austerity.
Feminist Review, 112(1),
pp. 60-76.
ISSN 0141-7789
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos and Aruldoss, Vinnarasan.
(Im)possible conversations? activism, childhood and everyday life.
Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 4(1),
pp. 252-265.
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Children's Participation, Childhood Publics and Social Change: A Review.
Children & Society, 29(2),
pp. 157-167.
ISSN 0951-0605
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Towards a new theory of practice for community health psychology.
Journal of Health Psychology, 19(1),
pp. 126-136.
ISSN 1359-1053
Frost, Nollaig and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
The Contribution of Pluralistic Qualitative Approaches to Mixed Methods Evaluations.
New Directions for Evaluation, 2013(138),
pp. 75-84.
ISSN 1097-6736
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Exploring young people's and youth workers' experiences of spaces for ‘youth development’: creating cultures of participation.
Journal of Youth Studies, 17(1),
pp. 26-41.
ISSN 1367-6261
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Reflections on the enactment of children's participation rights through research: Between transactional and relational spaces.
Children and Youth Services Review, 33(7),
pp. 1196-1202.
ISSN 0190-7409
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Stories as indicators of practical knowledge: Analysing project workers' talk from a study of participation in a youth inclusion programme.
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 21(2),
pp. 138-150.
ISSN 1052-9284
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos and Aruldoss, Vinnarasan.
ERC Connectors Study Podcast Series: Introduction to the Study and the Podcasts (Episode 6 of 6).
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos and Aruldoss, Vinnarasan.
ERC Connectors Study Podcast Series: A Day in the Life of an Ethnographer (Episode 5 of 6).
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos and Aruldoss, Vinnarasan.
ERC Connectors Study Podcast Series: How We Went About Sampling (Episode 4 of 6).
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos and Aruldoss, Vinnarasan.
ERC Connectors Study Podcast Series: The Historical Contingency of the Research and Our Responses to It (Episode 3 of 6).
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos and Aruldoss, Vinnarasan.
ERC Connectors Study Podcast Series: Doing Ethnography in Three Cities, What We Learnt and How it Changed Us (Episode 2 of 6).
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Varvantakis, Christos.
ERC Connectors Study Podcast Series: Introduction to the Study and the Podcasts (Episode 1 of 6).
Book Section
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Varvantakis, Christos.
‘This Parenting Lark’: Idiomatic Ways of Knowing and an Epistemology of Paying Adequate Attention.
In: Francisco Martínez; Lili Di Puppo and Martin Demant Frederiksen, eds.
Peripheral Methodologies: Unlearning, Not-knowing and Ethnographic Limits.
London: Routledge, pp. 45-60.
ISBN 9781350173071
[Book Section]
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Child Welfare.
In: Dan Cook, ed.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies.
London: Sage, pp. 277-282.
ISBN 9781473942929
[Book Section]
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Childhood publics.
In: Dan Cook, ed.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies.
London: Sage.
ISBN 9781473942929
[Book Section]
Varvantakis, Christos and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Children as Photographers.
In: Daniel Thomas Cook, ed.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies.
Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, pp. 406-408.
ISBN 9781473942929
[Book Section]
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Sanders-McDonagh, Erin and Neville, Lucy.
“Gimme shelter”? Complicating responses to family violence.
In: Rachel Rosen and Katherine Twamley, eds.
Feminism and the Politics of Childhood: Friends or Foes?
London: UCL Press.
ISBN 978‑1‑78735‑064‑9
[Book Section]
Edited Book
Exhibition Catalogue
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Varvantakis, Christos.
The Child's Gaze: Introducing the Children's Photography Archive.
[Exhibition Catalogue]
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos; Aruldoss, Vinnarasan and Prater, Claire Juliet.
In Common.
[Exhibition Catalogue]
Rauers, Antje; Schoening, Johannes and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
People in My Life: A Conceptual and Technological Exploration of Felt Closeness for Social Work Practice.
Project Report.
Jacobs Foundation., Zürich.
Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa; Varvantakis, Christos; Aspa, Chalkidou and Apgar, Marina.
to archeio/the archive project: Greek Crisis Literature database.