Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Pritchard, Helen

Jump to: Art Object | Article | Book Section | Composition | Conference or Workshop Item | Digital | Edited Book | Project | Report | Show/Exhibition
Number of items: 37.
Art Object
Houston, Lara; Gabrys, Jennifer and Pritchard, Helen.
Breakdown in the Smart City: Exploring Workarounds with Urban-sensing Practices and Technologies.
Science, Technology, & Human Values, 44(5),
pp. 843-870.
ISSN 0162-2439
Pritchard, Helen; Gabrys, Jennifer and Houston, Lara.
Re-Calibrating DIY: Testing Participation across Digital Sensors, Fry Pans and Environmental Media.
New Media & Society, 20(12),
pp. 4533-4552.
ISSN 1461-4448
Pritchard, Helen; Rocha, Jara and Snelting, Femke.
Ultrasonic dreams of aclinical renderings.
Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology(13),
Gabrys, Jennifer and Pritchard, Helen.
Just Good Enough Data and Environmental Sensing: Moving Beyond Regulatory Benchmarks toward Citizen Action.
International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 13,
pp. 4-14.
Gabrys, Jennifer; Pritchard, Helen and Barratt, Benjamin.
Just Good Enough Data: Figuring Data Citizenships through Air Pollution Sensing and Data Stories.
Big Data & Society, 3(2),
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 2053-9517
Pritchard, Helen and Gabrys, Jennifer.
From Citizen Sensing to Collective Monitoring: Working through the Perceptive and Affective Problematics of Environmental Pollution.
Geohumanities, 2(2),
pp. 354-371.
ISSN 2373-566X
Soon, Winnie and Pritchard, Helen.
Thousands of other questions.
The Electronic Literature Collection VOLUME THREE, 3,
Prophet, Jane and Pritchard, Helen.
Performative Apparatus and
Diffractive Practices: An Account of Artificial Life Art.
Artificial Life, 21(3),
pp. 332-343.
ISSN 1064-5462
Prophet, Jane and Pritchard, Helen.
Diffractive Art Practices: Computation and the Messy Entanglements between Mainstream Contemporary Art, and New Media Art.
artnodes, 15,
Book Section
Pritchard, Helen; Rocha, Jara and Snelting, Femke.
We Have Always Been Geohackers.
In: Annike Haas; Maximilian Haas; Hanna Magauer and Dennis Pohl, eds.
How to Relate: Wissen, Künste, Praktiken / Knowledge, Arts, Practices.
Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, pp. 243-257.
ISBN 9783837657654
[Book Section]
Gabrys, Jennifer and Pritchard, Helen.
Sensing Practices.
In: Rosi Braidotti and Maria Hlavajova, eds.
Posthuman Glossary.
London: Bloomsbury.
ISBN 9781350030244
[Book Section]
Pritchard, Helen.
Critter Compiler.
In: Helen Pritchard; Eric Snodgrass and Magda Tyżlik-Carver, eds.
Data Browser 06: Executing Practices.
Open Humanities Press, pp. 237-251.
ISBN 9781785420566
[Book Section]
Pritchard, Helen; Snodgrass, Eric and Tyżlik-Carver, Magda.
Executing Practices.
In: Helen Pritchard; Eric Snodgrass and Magda Tyżlik-Carver, eds.
Data Browser 06: Executing Practices.
Open Humanities Press, pp. 9-24.
ISBN 9781785420566
[Book Section]
Gabrys, Jennifer and Pritchard, Helen.
Just Good Enough Data and Citizen Sensing.
In: Claudia Göbel; Gaia Agnello and Katrin Vohland, eds.
European Stakeholder Round Table on Citizen and DIY Science and Responsible Research and Innovation. Doing-it-Together Science Report.
Berlin: European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), pp. 7-8.
[Book Section]
Prophet, Jane and Pritchard, Helen.
The Design, Individuation, and Entanglement of Ubicomp Apps in Urban South East Asia.
In: Ulrik Ekman; Jay David Bolter; Lily Díaz; Morten Søndergaard and Maria Engberg, eds.
Ubiquitous Computing, Complexity and Culture.
New York and London: Routledge, pp. 256-268.
ISBN 978-0415743822
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item
Prophet, Jane and Pritchard, Helen.
'SE Asian Ubicomp and ALife: Roaming
and Homing with TechnoSphere 2.0
Computational Companions'.
In: Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) CHI conference. Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Edited Book
Pritchard, Helen; Snodgrass, Eric and Tyżlik-Carver, Magda, eds.
Data Browser 06: Executing Practices.
Open Humanities Press.
ISBN 978-1-78542-057-3
[Edited Book]
Gabrys, Jennifer; Pritchard, Helen and Houston, Lara.
Urban Sensing.
In: "Citizen Sense (Jennifer Gabrys, Helen Pritchard and Lara Houston). "Urban Sensing". As part of the exhibition and events for "The New Observatory", organised by Sam Skinner and Hannah Redler (ODI), (2017)", FACT, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 22 June - 1 October 2017.
Pritchard, Helen.
Critter Compiler Prototype.
In: "*.exe(Ver2.0). Executions: Conversations on code, politics and practice", Medea @ Niagara, Sweden, 28 April – 3 May 2016.