Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Vishmidt, Marina

Jump to: Article | Book | Book Section | Conference or Workshop Item | Edited Book | Edited Journal | Professional Activity
Number of items: 59.
Vishmidt, Marina.
Review of Sophie Cras, The Artist as Economist: Art and Capitalism in the 1960s.,
ISSN 1543-950X
Vishmidt, Marina.
”Only as Self-Relating Negativity”: Infrastructure and Critique.
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, 13(3),
pp. 13-24.
ISSN 1646-9798
Vishmidt, Marina.
Post-Reality Markets and Structured Financial Time Products.
Making & Breaking(2),
Vishmidt, Marina and Kastner, Jens.
Finanzielle Unabhängigkeit: Der Wert und die verrohten Subjekte der Kulturindustrien.
Bildpunkt: Zieitschrift der IG Bildende Kunst(59),
pp. 26-27.
Vishmidt, Marina and Petrossiants, Andreas.
Spaces of Speculation: Movement Politics in the Infrastructure - An Interview with Marina Vishmidt.
Historical Materialism Blog,
Vishmidt, Marina.
Bodies in Space: On the Ends of Vulnerability.
Radical Philosophy, 2(.08),
pp. 33-46.
ISSN 0300-211X
Vishmidt, Marina.
Sedimented Forms: Coming Back to Autonomy.
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 22(3),
pp. 1-5.
ISSN 1481-4374
Vishmidt, Marina.
Response, Nicholas Brown, Autonomy: The Social Ontology of Art Under Capitalism.
ISSN 2164-1668
Vishmidt, Marina.
The Hard Labour of Speculation: Shaping a Reflection on Methods.
MaHKUscript. Journal of Fine Art Research, 3(1),
Vishmidt, Marina.
Arte, tecnologia e repetição.
Porto Arte Revista des Artes Visuais, 24(40),
Gogarty, Larne Abse; Dimitrakaki, Angela and Vishmidt, Marina.
Anti-fascist Art Theory: A Roundtable Discussion.
Third Text, 33(3),
pp. 449-465.
ISSN 0952-8822
Vishmidt, Marina.
Anomaly and Autonomy: On the Currency of the Exception in the Value Relations of Contemporary.
Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 81(4),
pp. 588-600.
ISSN 0044-2992
Esanu, Octavian; Beech, Dave; Khatib, Sami; Roberts, John and Vishmidt, Marina.
Realism Today?
ARTMargins, 7(1),
pp. 58-82.
ISSN 2162-2574
Vishmidt, Marina.
The Two Reproductions in (Feminist) Art and Theory since the 1970s.
Third Text, 31(1),
pp. 49-66.
ISSN 0952-8822
Vishmidt, Marina and Gilligan, Melanie.
"The property-less sensorium": Following the Subject in Crisis Times.
South Atlantic Quarterly, 114(3),
pp. 611-630.
ISSN 0038-2876
Vishmidt, Marina.
Situation Wanted: Something About Labour.
Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, 19,
pp. 20-34.
ISSN 1465-4253
Vishmidt, Marina.
The Cultural Logic of Criticality.
Journal of Visual Arts Practice, 7(3),
pp. 253-269.
ISSN 1470-2029
Vishmidt, Marina.
The Auto-Destructive Community: The Torsion of the Common in Local Sites of Antagonism.
Ephemera Journal, 6(4),
pp. 454-465.
ISSN 2052-1499
Book Section
Vishmidt, Marina and Sutherland, Zoe.
(Un)making Value: Reading Social Reproduction through the Question of Totality.
In: Kevin Floyd; Jen Hedler Phillis and Sarika Chandra, eds.
Totality Inside Out: Rethinking Crisis and Conflict under Capita.
New York: Fordham University Press, pp. 67-90.
ISBN 9780823298198
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina; Cuomo, Raphaël; Iorio, Maria and van Oldenborgh, Wendelien.
Documentary – Disjunction: A Conversation Between Raphaël Cuomo, Maria Iorio, Wendelien van Oldenborgh and Marina Vishmidt about the Films The Interpreter and No False Echoes.
In: Mira Fliescher; Fabian Goppelsröder and Dieter Mersch, eds.
Sichtbarkeiten 4: Praktiken visuellen Denkens.
Zürich: diaphanes, pp. 365-388.
ISBN 9783037347447
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Glossary of Key Terms: Money.
In: Mark Stevens, ed.
Understanding Marx, Understanding Modernism.
New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 204-207.
ISBN 9781501351112
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Die Möglichkeit einer spekulativen Produktionsweise.
In: Kathrin Busch; Georg Dickmann; Maja Figge and Felix Laubscher, eds.
Das Ästhetisch-Spekulative.
Paderborn/Leiden: Wilhelm Fink/Brill, pp. 258-277.
ISBN 9783770564385
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina and Sutherland, Zoe.
Social Reproduction: New Questions for the Gender, Affect, and Substance of Value.
In: Jennifer Cooke, ed.
The New Feminist Literary Studies.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 143-154.
ISBN 9781108599504
[Book Section]
Gilligan, Melanie and Vishmidt, Marina.
A Conversation: Melanie Gilligan and Marina Vishmidt.
In: Maurin Dietrich and Gloria Hasnay, eds.
Not Working - Reader.
Munich/Berlin: Kunstverein München e.V./Archive Books, pp. 18-39.
ISBN 9783948212377
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
The Opposite of Machine Intelligence.
In: Dirk Snauwert, ed.
Risquons-Tout: Contemporary Artists Venture Into Risk, Unpredictability and Transgression.
Brussels: WIELS.
ISBN 9780300257694
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Relateable Alienation: The Logic and History of an Idea.
In: Eleanor Ivory Weber and Camilla Wills, eds.
What the Fire Sees: A Divided Reader.
Brussels: Divided Publishing.
ISBN 9781916425040
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina and Ah, Ernest.
New Ruins.
In: Natascha Sadr Haghighian and Ernest Ah, eds.
beyond repair.
Berlin: Archive Books.
ISBN 9783948212421
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina and Iles, Anthony.
Arte Futile: The Gift That is No-one’s to Give and Which No-one Wants to Receive.
In: Kris Dittel, ed.
Trouble with Value: Art and its Modes of Valuation.
Eindhoven: Onomatopee.
ISBN 9789493148208
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Accumulating Futures.
In: Eric C.H. de Bruyn and Sven Lütticken, eds.
Futurity Report.
Berlin: Sternberg Press/MIT.
ISBN 9783956794230
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
In: Larne Abse Gogarty and Andrew Hemingway, eds.
Keywords for Marxist Art History Today.
V & R Unipress, pp. 87-96.
ISBN 978-3-8471-1114-6
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Female Entropy: Social Reproduction as Problem and Medium.
In: Sophia Yadong Hao, ed.
Of Other Spaces: Where Does Gesture Become Event?
Berlin: Sternberg Press/MIT.
ISBN 9783956793783
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Speculation in a Sense: Aesthetics and Real Abstraction.
In: Gean Moreno, ed.
In the Mind, but Not from There: Real Abstraction and Contemporary Art.
London, New York: Verso.
ISBN 9781788730693
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Art, Technology, and Repetition.
In: Beverley Best; Werner Bonefeld and Chris O'Kane, eds.
The SAGE Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory.
London: SAGE Publications, pp. 1102-1118.
ISBN 9781473953345
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Management and Maintenance.
In:; Anthony Iles and Marina Vishmidt, eds.
Look at Hazards, Look at Losses.
Berlin: Mute Books.
ISBN 978-86-88567-21-3
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Between Not Everything and Not Nothing: Cuta Towards Infrastructural Critique.
In: Maria Hlavajova and Simon Sheikh, eds.
Former West: Art and the Contemporary After 1989.
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp. 265-269.
ISBN 9780262533836
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Feeling Things: Or, What Would Be Some Contemporary Pathos-Forms?
In: Maya Tounta, ed.
A Solid Injury to the Knees.
Vilnius: Rupert, pp. 24-51.
ISBN 978-609-95587-2-1
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Indifferent Agent: Speculation as a Mode of Production in Art and Capital.
In: Angela Dimitrakaki and Kirsten Lloyd, eds.
ECONOMY: Art, Production and the Subject in the Twenty-First Century.
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
ISBN 9781781381380
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
The Aesthetic Subject and the Politics of Speculative Labor.
In: Randy Martin, ed.
The Routledge Companion to Art and Politics.
ISBN 9780415645102
[Book Section]
Vishmidt, Marina.
Plan for An Activity in Mind.
In: John Cunningham; Anthony Iles; Mira Mattar and Marina Vishmidt, eds.
Anguish Language: Writing and Crisis.
Berlin: Archive Books.
ISBN 978-3-943620-30-6
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item
Moreno, Louis and Vishmidt, Marina.
'End-of-the-World Trade: On the Speculative Economies of Art and Extraction'.
In: End-of-the-World Trade: On the Speculative Economies of Art and Extraction. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 21 - 22 June 2019.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Vishmidt, Marina.
'Speaking of Bodies and Bodies That Speak: On the Currency of the Body in Contemporary ARt and Feminist Politics'.
In: Speak, body: Art, the Reproduction of Capital and the Reproduction of Life. University of Leeds April 21st, 2017 — April 23rd, 2017.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gordon, Melissa and Vishmidt, Marina.
'We (Not I)'.
In: WE (NOT I). Artists Space, United States.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Edited Book
Edited Journal
Fallon, Benjamin; Beech, Dave; Macdonald, Kirsteen and Vishmidt, Marina, eds.
PARSE Journal Issue 9: 'Work',
PARSE, (9).
[Edited Journal]
Professional Activity