Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Watson, Alexander

Number of items: 28.
Watson, Alexander.
The Greek Catholic Church and the Problem of Ruthenian Desertion in Przemyśl, January 1915: Documents from the Kriegsarchiv, Vienna.
Rocznik Przemyski, 54,
pp. 287-301.
ISSN 2449-7347
Watson, Alexander.
Managing an 'Army of Peoples': Identity, Command and Performance in the Habsburg Officer Corps, 1914-1918.
Contemporary European History, 25(2),
pp. 233-251.
ISSN 0960-7773
Watson, Alexander.
"Unheard-of Brutality": Russian Atrocities against Civilians in East Prussia, 1914-1915.
The Journal of Modern History, 86(4),
pp. 780-825.
ISSN 0022-2801
Watson, Alexander.
‘Junior Officership in the German Army during the Great War, 1914-1918’.
War in History, 14(4),
pp. 429-53.
Watson, Alexander.
‘Self-Deception and Survival: Mental Coping Strategies on the Western Front, 1914-18’.
Journal of Contemporary History, 41(2),
pp. 247-68.
Watson, Alexander.
Ring of Steel: Germany and Austria-Hungary at War, 1914-1918.
London: Allen Lane, Penguin Books.
ISBN 9781846142215
Watson, Alexander.
Enduring the Great War. Combat, Morale and Collapse in the German and British Armies, 1914-1918.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 978-0521881012
Book Section
Watson, Alexander.
Tactical Learning and Innovation in the Habsburg Army, 1914-1918.
In: Michael P.M. Finch; Aimée Fox and David G. Morgan-Owen, eds.
Framing the First World War: Knowledge, Learning, and Military Thought.
Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas.
[Book Section]
Watson, Alexander.
Ego-Documents from the Invasion of East Prussia, 1914-15.
In: Richard Bessel and Dorothee Wierling, eds.
Inside World War One?
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780198820598
[Book Section]
Watson, Alexander.
Kształtowanie się narodu, upadek społeczności lokalnej: Kraków w czasie wojny, 1914-1918’ [‘Building a Nation, Breaking a Community: Cracow at War, 1914-18’].
In: Katarzyna Sierakowska, ed.
Pierwsza wojna światowa na ziemiach polskich. Oczekiwania-doświadczenia-konsekwencje [‘The First World War on Polish Territory. Expectations – Experiences – Consequences’].
Warsaw: Instytut Historii PAN.
ISBN 9788365880291
[Book Section]
Watson, Alexander.
Kriegserlebnisse und Motivationen von deutschen und britischen Soldaten 1916.
In: Christian Stachelbeck, ed.
Materialschlachten 1916. Ereignis, Bedeutung, Erinnerung.
Paderborn, Germany: Ferdinand Schöningh, pp. 341-359.
ISBN 9783506787590
[Book Section]
Watson, Alexander.
Voluntary Enlistment in the Great War: a European Phenomenon?
In: Christine G. Krüger and Sonja Levsen, eds.
War Volunteering in Modern Times. From the French Revolution to the Second World War.
Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 163-88.
ISBN 978-0230228054
[Book Section]