Scores for Listening #8: How does one blade of grass sound

Garrelfs, Iris. 2024. Scores for Listening #8: How does one blade of grass sound. In: Stephanie Loveless, ed. A Year of Deep Listening: 365 Text Scores for Pauline Oliveros. Newark: Terra Nova Press. ISBN 9781949597349 [Book Section]

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"Scores for Listening #8: How does one blade of grass sound" is part of the seriens Scores for Listening (2017). It is part of "A Year of Deep Listening. 365 Text Scores for Pauline Oliveros". Edited by Stephanie Loveless.

A Year of Deep Listening is a publication of 365 scores for listening gathered by the Center for Deep Listening in celebration of the legacy of groundbreaking composer Pauline Oliveros.

Originally begun online, in honor of what would have been Oliveros' 90th birthday (May 30, 2022), the project shared one score per day across social media for 365 days. The book version of A Year of Deep Listening brings these scores together into one beautiful and historic volume. An expression of the Deep Listening community, the scores were created by over 300 artists—ranging from prize winning composers to ear-minded grocery store clerks, from those who worked closely with Oliveros for decades to those who never met her.

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Book Section

Departments, Centres and Research Units:

Music > Popular Music Research Unit


27 August 2024Published

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Date Deposited:

11 Jun 2024 09:45

Last Modified:

11 Jun 2024 09:45


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