54 stops, grésillement, alphabet des rauschens: collaboration and/as performance autoethnography

Redhead, L. 2024. 54 stops, grésillement, alphabet des rauschens: collaboration and/as performance autoethnography. Deutschlandfunk Kultur. [Other]

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Abstract or Description

The questions of how performance can be positioned within a collaborative practice research project, and how research methodologies can effectively account for and foreground performance processes are addressed in this work. This portfolio outlines the practice research processes of collaboration and performance in which the researcher was involved towards the presentation of the piece 54 stops, grésillement, alphabet des rauschens (2020) by the Swiss composer Annette Schmucki. It is considered how the heterogeneity of performance situations for the combination of organ and live electronics be addressed as an affordance in this type of work, and the methods of achieving this are proposed and reflected on through collaborative work on the creation of the piece that is the subject of this portfolio. The role of the organist as an individual musician-collaborator (rather than a generic performer of a generic instrument) is emphasised through this process. Further, methods of reflection combining Collaborative Event Ethnography and Performance Autoethnography are suggested and trialled, allowing for the focus of such reflection to be the sounding and created materials of the piece rather than only post-hoc considerations of it. In doing so, embodied knowledge arising from performance processes is given primacy. The research insights in this project suggest that heterogeneity can be addressed through an expanded consideration of the instrument that also includes the performers. The project also proposes how performative autoethnographic methods can be enacted concurrently with composition and performance in practice research. The outcomes of the research have been shared internationally through contemporary music festival performances and a broadcast on Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Academic audiences have been engaged through conference presentations and journal publications.

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Departments, Centres and Research Units:



29 February 2024

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Date Deposited:

13 Jun 2024 11:47

Last Modified:

13 Jun 2024 15:24



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