"Sự Truyền Tải Bằng Hình Thức Nghe Nhìn Của Di Sản Văn Hoá Trong Xã Hội Đương Đại" [“The Audiovisual Mediation of Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Society”]

Norton, Barley. 2020. "Sự Truyền Tải Bằng Hình Thức Nghe Nhìn Của Di Sản Văn Hoá Trong Xã Hội Đương Đại" [“The Audiovisual Mediation of Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Society”]. In: Lâm Đoàn Trần, ed. Bảo Vệ Và Phát Huy Giá Trị Nghệ Thuật Xoè Thái Trong Xã Hội Đương Đại [“Safeguarding and Promoting of the Art of Xòe Dance of the Tai People in Contemporary Society"]. Hanoi: Nhà Xuất Bản Thế Giới, pp. 534-549. ISBN 9786047786602 [Book Section]

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2020 Bảo vệ và Phát Huy Giá Trị Nghệ Thuật Xoè Thái Trong Xã Hội Đương Đại .pdf - Published Version
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Norton 2020 The Audiovisual Mediation of Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Society.pdf - Accepted Version
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Abstract or Description

The production of audiovisual materials about intangible cultural heritage (ICH) is part of a broader process of heritagization that is sweeping across many parts of the world. UNESCO states that films about heritage help to ‘increase visibility and awareness’ and they are often tied to cultural tourism and sustainable development. Yet despite the importance of films in the inscription, management and promotion of ICH, the audiovisual representation of heritage has received little scholarly attention (see Norton 2018).

This chapter reflects on how film intersects with the heritagization of cultural traditions focusing on three broad areas. First, it briefly outlines the status of videos in the process of nominating elements for inscription on UNESCO’s ICH Lists. Second, it considers the potential of film as a medium for safeguarding cultural heritage in contemporary society. This will include discussion of the audio visual dissemination of intangible culture in today's ever-changing 'new media' environment. Third, it reflects on different approaches to the audiovisual representation and digital circulation of the Xòe Dance of the Tai people in Viet Nam.

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Book Section

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8 December 2020Published

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Date Deposited:

18 Jun 2024 09:03

Last Modified:

18 Jun 2024 09:03



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